Mid-July 2022 Frequency Feels (Energy Update)

Since the powerful Solstice Portal this year, there has been a sense - certainly on this side of the world - of deep calm. The kind of calm that a seaman would celebrate after a month at sea, or the lulling sense of calm that a mother tries desperately to conjure up when her baby is teething. The kind of calm that is deeply appreciated in the moment, as both sailors and parents know well isn't one of permanence.

This invitation into the cyclical, or wave-form, nature of the fabric of reality is something that we can all access and identify with (and an archetype that most fairytales allude to) - once we tap out of and detach from the false, yet, I know, sometimes attractive, overlay of the go-go-go world that we are sold. Once we find sobriety from mainstream society.

So, what is this calm?

To me, it feels like a calm that invites us to tap into the systems behind the stories. Into the motion of the waves, behind the curtain of life...

It is a divine maturation of the present moment (which is a highly fertile "point of coalescence", or connection).

And just like the connective tissue of our body, it is connection between the layers of ourselves and our truest expressions. It challenges us to hold our line and our nerve, when this means stepping away from our families, or how 'we've always been in order to be accepted' as this ramps up.

This, in turn, brings up self-doubt and therefore opportunities for a deeper level of self-love - and a delicious period of Soul-tending; nurturing those aspects, or hidden talents that have so longed to be seen/ heard/ known - even if it is just by ourselves to begin with!

And with that, a deep level of self-acceptance and a wider sense of forgiveness within all of this process is necessary, so that we may truly be grateful for the growth that this brings - and to recognise how life/ people/ partners/ the wider collective simply play their parts in reflecting our remaining wounds back to us, as mirrors of where there are still chinks in our armour and unintegrated aspects of Self.

This energy also hints at the systems behind 'the planetary play' (whatever model you follow!), a greater sense of interconnectedness and the fertility of that (vomit inducing rollercoaster) somatic experience - a joining up of time and space in spherical motion.

With the incredible expansiveness of this experience - which is working hard on the opening of our 6th energy centres (front and back) - we will most likely notice a clunkiness of these new, or renewed connections, which are based on a deeper knowing, or 'Soul Fractal' recognition. Perhaps you'll start to notice this in the eyes of others.

We are cultivating a deeper, felt sense of unity with others, animals, plants, minerals, land and cosmic frequencies and the tapestry of life as we notice these threads and dance our weave and weave our dance each day.

Advice for this time, as far as I am able to see it, comes in holding ourselves accountable if and when we fell/ fall out of integrity in any facet of our lives. And then allowing ourselves to bring through the energy of acceptance of where we are and a kindness and graciousness, as we allow others the same rope. This all serving to bring another layer of clarity to our sight, activating our third eye and the 3 suns within our bodies.


“Dear Great Mother,

Give us the eyes to see, the ears to hear & the Heart to know our own Truth,
To taste the sweet néctar of our essence, that drives us through the darkest of nights.

Grant us sufficient pause, so that we may feel your loving embrace on our skin,
Your warmth in our Hearts & your peace in our mind.

Lend us your strength to forge our paths anew, far from the trees of home - & to find more of ourselves in our own silence.
Ease our guilt as we step away from the fonts of our families, our lands, our cultures, their laws & rule.

Quench our thirst with the Primary Waters from the wellspring of our monadic Soul.
Stand beside us as we drum our feet on the Earth to a new beat; the rhythm of Peace, of Love, of what it means to be free,

In your image: as One.”


Are we Bypassing our Own Invitations into the Mystery?

Recently, I was asked about my perspective on illnesses and sicknesses - and how we can ascertain what is at cause for each and all of these, what with all the changes in lifestyle and environment that take place around us?

Personally, I assume that my Path is one of detoxing (physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically - which includes the bridge between all these that is the nervous system and, you could argue, the Soul) and that every internal and external shift I make has an effect on that detox. The clearer I can be on my own personal guidance, I assume that I am being led more into clarity across these layers.

Looking back to where I've been/ what I’ve left behind/ who I was before, gives me clarity on the initiations I [created for myself and] passed through along the way.

So, it makes sense to me that my bodies constantly expel toxins that I have accumulated (both personally, systemically through my ancestry and in "loyalty" or service to the greater whole). Through the Shamanic lens, we can see these "expulsions" as entities (which are to me as natural as day and nothing - as you say - to be bypassed, or feared).

What I will say, that I hope will offer you some solace (the Covid Shaman visited me at the end of last year), is that we are never given more than we can handle. Yes, we get stretched AF (think pregnancy), but not broken by Nature herself.

You could say that, by this point, Terrain Theory or Germ Theory, it doesn't actually matter ❤️

Gratitude is an Embodiment Practice

Up with the drive of the morning
And its have-tos and must-bes,
The frustrations of not getting there fast enough,
Of not being in the right place,
Of chasing our tail.

Holding a delicate balance across the void;
Between the dreamer, the other-worldly,
And the friction; the fire of BEing.

Then, remembering our breath mid morning (along with our coffee),
We lift our gaze for a moment from our phones
And a view suddenly opens up in the pause!

A different world!
A different life!

And that eternal point between grows fuller and fuller and full,
Until the observed finally becomes the outpouring of our hearts.

So that when now we reflect on:
Being woken up in the night to sooth a bad dream,
Being woken up too early by the joys of "its only 3 sleeps till my birthday",
And the dog having been sick on the rug,

We embrace all of this and more with gratitude for...
This opportunity to feel!
(As only a human can)
In this story called Life.

And our hearts sing out for this divine appointment that is uniquely ours.
Grabbing it with both hands.

Quantum Leap

Where are you fostering those new (ancient) aspects of yourself to grow through, to reach up to the Light of Source again?

After having been called to move back to the British Isles from France's Burgundy in 2019 (in fact, I received the call in 2017 and it continued to get louder into more of a clarion in the lead up to 2019), we packed up our smallholding, gave away our chickens, got passports for the dog and the cat and the two horses, buried our other cat, said goodbye to the French Oaks, the Hawthorns (white and pink), the Blackthorns, the Bracken, Mugwort, Hazel and the Ash who had been so integral to my journey and my healing during our eight years in France, packed up our belongings and sold our house.

And we moved.
We moved into a one bedroom annexe,
Back to exactly where I grew up.

The neighbours were the same,
The view from the hilltops were the same,
The forest was the same,

But, EVERYTHING was different.

I was entering into a space that I had known so well for 20 years of my life with fresh, new eyes.

Yes, we gave away a lot, we grieved, we committed a LOT to the Earth and we risked and compromised many things, including our physical freedom - and some might have said that the move was more of a move back than a move forwards.

Now, we are in Pembrokeshire in Wales and living in a cob house (a Hobbit House), build solely from the materials onsite and from the immediate surrounding area.

We have a lightness, a free-ness, a playfulness that we haven't experienced before - both as individuals and as a family (with cat, dog and two horses).

We are currently planning our next steps and how they will look and feel - but these possibly major geographic changes are now well within our scope of possibility.

We are free to be guided, to be literally "moved" by our intuition and our needs, both for our own growth and that of our family members.

We are free to evolve.

Can you now feel the Truth behind death and rebirth being just two sides of the same coin in your life?

Where are the opportunities opening up for you now?

You Are Enough

When you act from a place of energetic Sovereignty, you are no longer available for manipulation.

You are no longer available to be told, or sold something that doesn't resonate with a deeper Truth within you.

You no longer shift your energy to a place of less than, smaller than, or hide away when you've been asked for your opinion, your contribution, or your confirmation.

You stand in your Truth.

In your Light.

In the unique harmonic resonance that is You,

Simply, because there just isn't any other way left to BE.

Having grown up in an environment where my highly left-field views, my esoteric ideals and often my energetic needs were relegated to the bottom of the queue, I was "safe", I was "definable", I was "understandable",

But, I was small,

I was contained,

I was categorised and homogonised,

And a large part of who I AM was silenced.

Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for having had this opportunity for growth show up on my journey home.

Perhaps you can resonate with how it feels to play small?

How it feels to contract your field to fit in with others, a situation, or a community of people?

How it feels to be envious of others who are leading with their Hearts and dreams?

Perhaps you've even considered if you actually have your own dreams, your own Path, or your own purpose to claim at all?

Trust me, if you are receiving this, this message in a bottle coming to you in the Divine timing of the Universe to say to you in this moment that,

(I am deeply in love with these words, as they come through me onto this page)

Perhaps this is the only message you need to hear, in order for the Truth of these words to create a shift deep within your being.

Perhaps just holding this frequency of Truth close to you again over the coming days of Spring will give you enough of what you need to step out.

Perhaps you need to get outside and scream this from the rooftops!!

In order to close the doors behind you on what is outdated, untrue -


Shamanic Death

The parting of the veil comes in waves;
Once a gentler ride,
Giving in to the tumultuous depths of the open seas.

We find ourselves in our little boats,
Navigating best we can with the oars at hand,
Grasping for reason and our right hand men,
As the sky darkens and we're awash with the tides
Of what was and what wasn't and what could have been.

We try desperately to anchor into the solidity of a future (un)known,
As we realise that we exist in a space inbetween -
What our memories say, our ideals and our fears;
Ballasts of who we thought we once were melting away once again.

Oh but to see it all and surrender it all to what is and what isn’t and what never could have been,
We again find a glimmer of our own North Star:

The centre of our world,
Our love and our light.
But not up and over;
But down and dirty and through.

We realise that all those friends and allies and lovers and haters,
And children and partners and homes and places,
Loyal pets and states of being
Were all transient too,

Lining up along the path for us,
To gently move us along and back to the shores once again.

A Wing & A Prayer

Moving to Costa Rica on a wing and a prayer,
Away from division,
Towards unification
With Nature.

Free-falling into the arms of a life,
Fully lived,
Deeply felt,
Into the cells & the Void Within
And back out to the Stars above.

The unrolling,
The unfurling,
The unwinding,
Of the wounds of generations & lives past,
The clearing of this 2-way street
The ceaseless exchange across this bridge
That I AM.

The burning,
The tears,
The purging,
Fragmentation to wholeness again
- plus the whole concertina,

Sensations of solar realignment,
With Universal flow
To connection to what IS,
In order to be closer to

The All & the EYE

Like attracts like and I tend to attract clients who are on the path of embodiment.

These individuals are happily and skilfully connected to the ALL (and usually empathic, clairvoyant and well aware of their multi-dimensionality), but who find defining, or grounding their Eye in a clear, balanced way, challenging, as I did.

What I’ve learnt is that claiming the Eye includes setting boundaries; both those within which the Self can play, stretch and learn, BUT also committing to the container of one’s BODY as the most grounded aspect of the vessel for Life to flow through.

It is evident in systemic constellations that when we prioritise the connection to the ALL, over the connection to the I/ Eye/ physical vessel/ physicality, we are actually closer to DEATH than to LIFE.

The trouble is, the people who are readily connected to the ALL are often perpetual seekers, plant medicine (ab)users, spiritual tourists and those who are used to popping over to another dimension to seek the answer to Life, Love and everything, without giving the answer they receive long enough to really INTEGRATE, or to bed in at all.

It’s like a perpetual high that actually AVOIDS any real integration.

And that was me too.

What I’ve learned, as a result of my deep journey of embodiment, is that when we constantly seek outside of ourselves in this way, without allowing the seeds to cultivate within us – all the way down in the soil, we actually keep ourselves OUT OF BODY. This disparity can leave the physical body heavily malnourished energetically, leading to ailments and disease and psychologically, it can be wildly distracting/ unfulfilling/ frustrating/ depressing to run one’s life through the lens of an ungrounded fantasy.

It can also mean that we are led up the garden path by the next idea/ teaching/ teacher/ dimension, as we aren’t clear, grounded, or fully claiming our own energy field as our own.

In order to truly be a servant OF THESE TIMES, we have to act as the bridge for these higher layers of consciousness and energy to come through to us IN THE PHYSICAL.

To be embodied is to truly be aligned with and receiving from life.