
The All & the EYE

Like attracts like and I tend to attract clients who are on the path of embodiment.

These individuals are happily and skilfully connected to the ALL (and usually empathic, clairvoyant and well aware of their multi-dimensionality), but who find defining, or grounding their Eye in a clear, balanced way, challenging, as I did.

What I’ve learnt is that claiming the Eye includes setting boundaries; both those within which the Self can play, stretch and learn, BUT also committing to the container of one’s BODY as the most grounded aspect of the vessel for Life to flow through.

It is evident in systemic constellations that when we prioritise the connection to the ALL, over the connection to the I/ Eye/ physical vessel/ physicality, we are actually closer to DEATH than to LIFE.

The trouble is, the people who are readily connected to the ALL are often perpetual seekers, plant medicine (ab)users, spiritual tourists and those who are used to popping over to another dimension to seek the answer to Life, Love and everything, without giving the answer they receive long enough to really INTEGRATE, or to bed in at all.

It’s like a perpetual high that actually AVOIDS any real integration.

And that was me too.

What I’ve learned, as a result of my deep journey of embodiment, is that when we constantly seek outside of ourselves in this way, without allowing the seeds to cultivate within us – all the way down in the soil, we actually keep ourselves OUT OF BODY. This disparity can leave the physical body heavily malnourished energetically, leading to ailments and disease and psychologically, it can be wildly distracting/ unfulfilling/ frustrating/ depressing to run one’s life through the lens of an ungrounded fantasy.

It can also mean that we are led up the garden path by the next idea/ teaching/ teacher/ dimension, as we aren’t clear, grounded, or fully claiming our own energy field as our own.

In order to truly be a servant OF THESE TIMES, we have to act as the bridge for these higher layers of consciousness and energy to come through to us IN THE PHYSICAL.

To be embodied is to truly be aligned with and receiving from life.