energy update

Mid-July 2022 Frequency Feels (Energy Update)

Since the powerful Solstice Portal this year, there has been a sense - certainly on this side of the world - of deep calm. The kind of calm that a seaman would celebrate after a month at sea, or the lulling sense of calm that a mother tries desperately to conjure up when her baby is teething. The kind of calm that is deeply appreciated in the moment, as both sailors and parents know well isn't one of permanence.

This invitation into the cyclical, or wave-form, nature of the fabric of reality is something that we can all access and identify with (and an archetype that most fairytales allude to) - once we tap out of and detach from the false, yet, I know, sometimes attractive, overlay of the go-go-go world that we are sold. Once we find sobriety from mainstream society.

So, what is this calm?

To me, it feels like a calm that invites us to tap into the systems behind the stories. Into the motion of the waves, behind the curtain of life...

It is a divine maturation of the present moment (which is a highly fertile "point of coalescence", or connection).

And just like the connective tissue of our body, it is connection between the layers of ourselves and our truest expressions. It challenges us to hold our line and our nerve, when this means stepping away from our families, or how 'we've always been in order to be accepted' as this ramps up.

This, in turn, brings up self-doubt and therefore opportunities for a deeper level of self-love - and a delicious period of Soul-tending; nurturing those aspects, or hidden talents that have so longed to be seen/ heard/ known - even if it is just by ourselves to begin with!

And with that, a deep level of self-acceptance and a wider sense of forgiveness within all of this process is necessary, so that we may truly be grateful for the growth that this brings - and to recognise how life/ people/ partners/ the wider collective simply play their parts in reflecting our remaining wounds back to us, as mirrors of where there are still chinks in our armour and unintegrated aspects of Self.

This energy also hints at the systems behind 'the planetary play' (whatever model you follow!), a greater sense of interconnectedness and the fertility of that (vomit inducing rollercoaster) somatic experience - a joining up of time and space in spherical motion.

With the incredible expansiveness of this experience - which is working hard on the opening of our 6th energy centres (front and back) - we will most likely notice a clunkiness of these new, or renewed connections, which are based on a deeper knowing, or 'Soul Fractal' recognition. Perhaps you'll start to notice this in the eyes of others.

We are cultivating a deeper, felt sense of unity with others, animals, plants, minerals, land and cosmic frequencies and the tapestry of life as we notice these threads and dance our weave and weave our dance each day.

Advice for this time, as far as I am able to see it, comes in holding ourselves accountable if and when we fell/ fall out of integrity in any facet of our lives. And then allowing ourselves to bring through the energy of acceptance of where we are and a kindness and graciousness, as we allow others the same rope. This all serving to bring another layer of clarity to our sight, activating our third eye and the 3 suns within our bodies.