Are we Bypassing our Own Invitations into the Mystery?

Recently, I was asked about my perspective on illnesses and sicknesses - and how we can ascertain what is at cause for each and all of these, what with all the changes in lifestyle and environment that take place around us?

Personally, I assume that my Path is one of detoxing (physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically - which includes the bridge between all these that is the nervous system and, you could argue, the Soul) and that every internal and external shift I make has an effect on that detox. The clearer I can be on my own personal guidance, I assume that I am being led more into clarity across these layers.

Looking back to where I've been/ what I’ve left behind/ who I was before, gives me clarity on the initiations I [created for myself and] passed through along the way.

So, it makes sense to me that my bodies constantly expel toxins that I have accumulated (both personally, systemically through my ancestry and in "loyalty" or service to the greater whole). Through the Shamanic lens, we can see these "expulsions" as entities (which are to me as natural as day and nothing - as you say - to be bypassed, or feared).

What I will say, that I hope will offer you some solace (the Covid Shaman visited me at the end of last year), is that we are never given more than we can handle. Yes, we get stretched AF (think pregnancy), but not broken by Nature herself.

You could say that, by this point, Terrain Theory or Germ Theory, it doesn't actually matter ❤️