Are we Bypassing our Own Invitations into the Mystery?

Recently, I was asked about my perspective on illnesses and sicknesses - and how we can ascertain what is at cause for each and all of these, what with all the changes in lifestyle and environment that take place around us?

Personally, I assume that my Path is one of detoxing (physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically - which includes the bridge between all these that is the nervous system and, you could argue, the Soul) and that every internal and external shift I make has an effect on that detox. The clearer I can be on my own personal guidance, I assume that I am being led more into clarity across these layers.

Looking back to where I've been/ what I’ve left behind/ who I was before, gives me clarity on the initiations I [created for myself and] passed through along the way.

So, it makes sense to me that my bodies constantly expel toxins that I have accumulated (both personally, systemically through my ancestry and in "loyalty" or service to the greater whole). Through the Shamanic lens, we can see these "expulsions" as entities (which are to me as natural as day and nothing - as you say - to be bypassed, or feared).

What I will say, that I hope will offer you some solace (the Covid Shaman visited me at the end of last year), is that we are never given more than we can handle. Yes, we get stretched AF (think pregnancy), but not broken by Nature herself.

You could say that, by this point, Terrain Theory or Germ Theory, it doesn't actually matter ❤️

Quantum Leap

Where are you fostering those new (ancient) aspects of yourself to grow through, to reach up to the Light of Source again?

After having been called to move back to the British Isles from France's Burgundy in 2019 (in fact, I received the call in 2017 and it continued to get louder into more of a clarion in the lead up to 2019), we packed up our smallholding, gave away our chickens, got passports for the dog and the cat and the two horses, buried our other cat, said goodbye to the French Oaks, the Hawthorns (white and pink), the Blackthorns, the Bracken, Mugwort, Hazel and the Ash who had been so integral to my journey and my healing during our eight years in France, packed up our belongings and sold our house.

And we moved.
We moved into a one bedroom annexe,
Back to exactly where I grew up.

The neighbours were the same,
The view from the hilltops were the same,
The forest was the same,

But, EVERYTHING was different.

I was entering into a space that I had known so well for 20 years of my life with fresh, new eyes.

Yes, we gave away a lot, we grieved, we committed a LOT to the Earth and we risked and compromised many things, including our physical freedom - and some might have said that the move was more of a move back than a move forwards.

Now, we are in Pembrokeshire in Wales and living in a cob house (a Hobbit House), build solely from the materials onsite and from the immediate surrounding area.

We have a lightness, a free-ness, a playfulness that we haven't experienced before - both as individuals and as a family (with cat, dog and two horses).

We are currently planning our next steps and how they will look and feel - but these possibly major geographic changes are now well within our scope of possibility.

We are free to be guided, to be literally "moved" by our intuition and our needs, both for our own growth and that of our family members.

We are free to evolve.

Can you now feel the Truth behind death and rebirth being just two sides of the same coin in your life?

Where are the opportunities opening up for you now?

Shamanic Ecstasy

"Shamanic ecstasy is an act of surrender that authenticates both the individual self and that which is surrendered to the mystery of being.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Because our maps of reality are determined by our present circumstances, we tend to loose awareness of the larger patterns of time and space.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Only by gaining access to Source can those patterns of time and space and our role in them be glimpsed. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Shamanism strives for this point of view... ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
A Shaman is one who has attained a vision of the beginnings and the endings of all things and who can communicate that vision.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
To the rational thinker, this is inconceivable, yet the techniques of Shamanism are directed towards this end -⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
- Terence McKenna

Shamanic Death

The parting of the veil comes in waves;
Once a gentler ride,
Giving in to the tumultuous depths of the open seas.

We find ourselves in our little boats,
Navigating best we can with the oars at hand,
Grasping for reason and our right hand men,
As the sky darkens and we're awash with the tides
Of what was and what wasn't and what could have been.

We try desperately to anchor into the solidity of a future (un)known,
As we realise that we exist in a space inbetween -
What our memories say, our ideals and our fears;
Ballasts of who we thought we once were melting away once again.

Oh but to see it all and surrender it all to what is and what isn’t and what never could have been,
We again find a glimmer of our own North Star:

The centre of our world,
Our love and our light.
But not up and over;
But down and dirty and through.

We realise that all those friends and allies and lovers and haters,
And children and partners and homes and places,
Loyal pets and states of being
Were all transient too,

Lining up along the path for us,
To gently move us along and back to the shores once again.

The Viral Lode

My experience with the *virus* at the end of last year was deeply Shamanic in its essence and teachings.

Intelligent, intense and compassionate - in my experience - it orchestrated a deep clearing of old wounds, tied up in each physical organ, bodily system and cell as it worked me from head to toe, from inside out.

As each molecule of toxin, pressed down into my cells through years of wounding, resistance and fighting against myself, bubbled up, an emotion, a memory and a full body energetic experience would come with it. Prostrating on the bed, my body went nill by mouth for 4 days.

It pushed me to many limits and choice points that could have taken me months and years to get to. I saw my light blinking in the darkness and had to claim, declare and anchor in (again) my right to life.

I had to fully choose life from a unified place, having seen the contrast of my shadow and having brought more of my lead into the light.

It wasn't easy.

But, getting sick - for me - wasn't something to be frightened of, or to deny the possibility of. Being sick is - for me - something to be gently open to, if that is how my body needs to express itself and the toxins accumulated from having lived many lives in resistance.

I am not opposed to sickness, nor am I prepared to fight or mask my body's responses and fashions of expression. To do so would be deeply polarised against myself - and my own physical manifestation in this reality.

--> It would be to be against my own choice to incarnate.

Perhaps the *virus* isn't the problem, but people’s addition to being pitched against each other - and themselves - is.

Perhaps *it* is the Gaian gift of accelerated uplevel that we've criminalised and rebranded the enemy.

Perhaps the mass marketing of a bandaid-fix-all-ills to prevent, nullify, reduce, expell and test for the enemy was exactly the medicine that we needed to illustrate our addiction, born out of deep wounding, to a case of "us and them" perpetual polarisation.

As with all my work; take what resonates and leave the rest to the wind.