
You Are Enough

When you act from a place of energetic Sovereignty, you are no longer available for manipulation.

You are no longer available to be told, or sold something that doesn't resonate with a deeper Truth within you.

You no longer shift your energy to a place of less than, smaller than, or hide away when you've been asked for your opinion, your contribution, or your confirmation.

You stand in your Truth.

In your Light.

In the unique harmonic resonance that is You,

Simply, because there just isn't any other way left to BE.

Having grown up in an environment where my highly left-field views, my esoteric ideals and often my energetic needs were relegated to the bottom of the queue, I was "safe", I was "definable", I was "understandable",

But, I was small,

I was contained,

I was categorised and homogonised,

And a large part of who I AM was silenced.

Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for having had this opportunity for growth show up on my journey home.

Perhaps you can resonate with how it feels to play small?

How it feels to contract your field to fit in with others, a situation, or a community of people?

How it feels to be envious of others who are leading with their Hearts and dreams?

Perhaps you've even considered if you actually have your own dreams, your own Path, or your own purpose to claim at all?

Trust me, if you are receiving this, this message in a bottle coming to you in the Divine timing of the Universe to say to you in this moment that,

(I am deeply in love with these words, as they come through me onto this page)

Perhaps this is the only message you need to hear, in order for the Truth of these words to create a shift deep within your being.

Perhaps just holding this frequency of Truth close to you again over the coming days of Spring will give you enough of what you need to step out.

Perhaps you need to get outside and scream this from the rooftops!!

In order to close the doors behind you on what is outdated, untrue -