quantum leap

Quantum Leap

Where are you fostering those new (ancient) aspects of yourself to grow through, to reach up to the Light of Source again?

After having been called to move back to the British Isles from France's Burgundy in 2019 (in fact, I received the call in 2017 and it continued to get louder into more of a clarion in the lead up to 2019), we packed up our smallholding, gave away our chickens, got passports for the dog and the cat and the two horses, buried our other cat, said goodbye to the French Oaks, the Hawthorns (white and pink), the Blackthorns, the Bracken, Mugwort, Hazel and the Ash who had been so integral to my journey and my healing during our eight years in France, packed up our belongings and sold our house.

And we moved.
We moved into a one bedroom annexe,
Back to exactly where I grew up.

The neighbours were the same,
The view from the hilltops were the same,
The forest was the same,

But, EVERYTHING was different.

I was entering into a space that I had known so well for 20 years of my life with fresh, new eyes.

Yes, we gave away a lot, we grieved, we committed a LOT to the Earth and we risked and compromised many things, including our physical freedom - and some might have said that the move was more of a move back than a move forwards.

Now, we are in Pembrokeshire in Wales and living in a cob house (a Hobbit House), build solely from the materials onsite and from the immediate surrounding area.

We have a lightness, a free-ness, a playfulness that we haven't experienced before - both as individuals and as a family (with cat, dog and two horses).

We are currently planning our next steps and how they will look and feel - but these possibly major geographic changes are now well within our scope of possibility.

We are free to be guided, to be literally "moved" by our intuition and our needs, both for our own growth and that of our family members.

We are free to evolve.

Can you now feel the Truth behind death and rebirth being just two sides of the same coin in your life?

Where are the opportunities opening up for you now?