Events & Workshops | Harriet Goudard
Summer Solstice Wild Horse Constellation, New Forest, England
10:00 AM10:00

Summer Solstice Wild Horse Constellation, New Forest, England

  • King's Hat Enclosure Beaulieu United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Summer Solstice of 2025 capitulates the height of the fires of tension we have been holding deep within our bellies throughout the Age of Pisces…

The tension between our fullest expression and our deepest conditioning, life and death, feminine and masculine - and the greater dance of duality as a whole… finally, some would say, weaving together into the higher mysteries of what lies beyond hiero gamic union…

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Autumn Equinox Wild Horse Constellations Workshop, Dartmoor, England
10:30 AM10:30

Autumn Equinox Wild Horse Constellations Workshop, Dartmoor, England

Wild horses certainly don’t mince their words… So imagine their power combined with the dynamic and phenomenal overlay of Family Constellations - in a highly potent, outdoor forest location - and you have the work of Wild Horse Constellations. On this very special energy portal of the Autumn Equinox 2025.

Reconnect with your core creativity, strengthen your leadership (with the alphas of the herd as muse) and reignite your passion for your entrepreneurial journey, as mirror of the deeper thread of creation you carry out into the world.

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Samhain Yew Tree Initiation: The Child, Surrey Hills, England
11:00 AM11:00

Samhain Yew Tree Initiation: The Child, Surrey Hills, England

  • newlands Corner guildford gu4 8se (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For creatives, entrepreneurs and visionaries, this is an opportunity to reconnect with ancient England’s ancestral wisdom, tapping into its power to fuel your deepest ideas and dreams. The Yew, a symbol of death, rebirth, and timeless wisdom, calls you to release old patterns and make way for the new. Embrace this season of endings and beginnings, as you align with the energies of transformation, ready to manifest your next creative or entrepreneurial chapter.

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Spring Equinox Wild Horse Constellations Workshop, Dartmoor Devon, England
10:30 AM10:30

Spring Equinox Wild Horse Constellations Workshop, Dartmoor Devon, England

*** Last place remaining *** Wild horses certainly don’t mince their words… So imagine their power combined with the dynamic and phenomenal overlay of Family Constellations - in a highly potent, outdoor forest location - and you have the work of Wild Horse Constellations. On this very special energy portal of the Vernal Equinox 2025.

Reconnect with your core creativity, strengthen your leadership (with the alphas of the herd as muse) and reignite your passion for your entrepreneurial journey, as mirror of the deeper thread of creation you carry out into the world.

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Imbolc Yew Tree Initiation: the Mother, the Father, Surrey Hills, England
11:00 AM11:00

Imbolc Yew Tree Initiation: the Mother, the Father, Surrey Hills, England

  • newlands Corner guildford gu4 8se (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For creatives, entrepreneurs and visionaries, this immersive experience invites you to reconnect with the wisdom deep within the ancient, English soil, drawing inspiration from its limitless potential. The Yew, symbol of transformation and rebirth, invites you to plant seeds of intention, rejuvenating your creative spirit and entrepreneurial vision. Embrace the time of renewal, forging powerful connections with your inner divine masculine and feminine to birth your next level of expression.

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The Role of Ancestry in Community: Family Constellation Circle, Devon
11:00 AM11:00

The Role of Ancestry in Community: Family Constellation Circle, Devon

As we plunge into the darkened Waters of Winter, particularly here in the relative humidity of South Devon, we are reminded of the journey of life that our Ancestors must have taken to get us here.

In that reflection, we are also reminded of the part that our Ancestors still play in our lives - and how they may still be living on through us; our habits, patterns and issues, perhaps…

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Summer Solstice Horse Constellation, New Forest, England
10:00 AM10:00

Summer Solstice Horse Constellation, New Forest, England

  • King's Hat Enclosure Beaulieu United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

*** FULL ***

Wild horses certainly don’t mince their words… So imagine their power combined with the dynamic and phenomenal overlay of Family Constellations - in a highly potent, outdoor forest location - and you have the work of Wild Horse Constellations. On this very special energy portal of the Summer Solstice 2024.

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Shamanic Dreamers' Circle, nr Guildford
7:00 PM19:00

Shamanic Dreamers' Circle, nr Guildford

Regular in-person meetings in circle like this speak deeply to the Soul -

Coming together with dreamers, healers, peers, seekers, finders, elders and youngers in this way - around a theme, medicinal focus, or energetic event - provides the stability in life that we need to stand strongly in our own shoes, as well as connect with the most abundant visions available to us...

This was the way of our ancestors...

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Summer Solstice Horse Constellations Workshop, New Forest, England
10:00 AM10:00

Summer Solstice Horse Constellations Workshop, New Forest, England

  • King's Hat Enclosure Beaulieu United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Horses don’t mince their words… So imagine overlaying that with the already profound work of Family Constellations - in a dreamland, outdoor forest location - and you have the work of Horse Constellations. On this very special energy portal of the Summer Solstice 2023.

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Horse Constellations, Full Day Workshop (New Forest, UK)
10:00 AM10:00

Horse Constellations, Full Day Workshop (New Forest, UK)

  • King's Hat Enclosure Beaulieu United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We return to my birthplace and the magnificent Yew Tree circle with whom I work and have worked deeply throughout many lifetimes.

Working with ancient and majestic Yew Tree and Yew Master Spirit and Guide, offers us both a sturdy and dependable part of a diverse, natural woodland and a fascinating and mystical journey guide and initiator on our Path.

Yews are the Troll incarnate, infused with Odinic energy, she works to illustrate the integrity of the pillar of light, Djed, or Sushumna, unique to the human energy field. Inviting us to hold our purest light frequency - to run our highest vibration between the heavens and earth. To step into our energetic roles as Lightworkers, Healers, Therapists - and Gridworkers. They are the template of the Living Library, the Tree of Life, or Yggdrasil.

Please note, we will spend most of the two days outside in the forest, with an array of majestic, ancient Yew Trees (estimated to be up to 1500 years old). You will need to dress accordingly and bring a snacks and lunch, or purchase lunch nearby at one of two cafes. Accommodation to be booked by the participant directly - a list of local BnBs, campsites and taxi firms to be provided upon request.

Activities onsite to include, but not limited to (further information to be sent upon reservation of your place):

  • Making Yew Spirit essence (at the Autumn Equinox)

  • Shamanic Journeying

  • Breathwork

  • Energy Palpation

  • Sharing Circles

  • Nature Constellations

  • Gifting Ceremony

There will be ample time allowed for breaks and Q&A.

Places limited.

Please note that Yew Spirit can be an incredibly powerful ally and we generally know deeply if we have been called into this very particular work.

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