high-level peer group of 8 women gathering under 8 moons to practice being heard & being seen in their fullest capacity as true, synergistic herd

Next sphere begins November 2025

This is the place where natural leaders rise to the surface, each crowned with their own unique jewels

This is the place where nobody is left behind, nobody is unheard, none without role, or identity

This is the place where nothing is homogenous - and yet everybody is in communion with the whole

This is the place where we practice belonging in communities that aren’t necessarily blood, aren’t necessarily kin, aren’t necessarily from the same tribe, or schools of thought

This is the place where we anchor into our bodies, our birthplace, our lands and our bones, really knowing what it means to be rooted to rise

This is the place where the blueprints for community are birthed; for now and for what is to come

shining a jeweler’s loupe on your personal & systemic wounding, expect

The rewriting of personal & ancestral karma for yourself, future generations, those connected to you & the collective

The development of acute agility in your form of compassionate & courageous Leadership

Catalytic self-development, that deepens your connection to God, whilst holding the Human in reverent form

New paradigm experiences that are fully grounded in the body as wisdom & occur eyes open, in the Present moment

Legacy development for those who come next - as well as those who came before

Fearless reclamation of Self on all levels, beyond any ceremony, pre-ordained ritual or practice

All effected within and aligned to the organic pulse of Life, as it is offered to us in every moment.

Please complete the form below to register your interest in joining

In doing this kind of work you tread a certain path – you could call it a spiritual path if that word weren’t so inflated.

The more of this work you do the more it forces you into a way of behaving, into understanding, into humility, into a calm composure, and gentleness. In doing the work, your own maturity grows, and the more mature you become the more beautiful the work is.
— Bert Hellinger