lady's prayer


“Dear Great Mother,

Give us the eyes to see, the ears to hear & the Heart to know our own Truth,
To taste the sweet néctar of our essence, that drives us through the darkest of nights.

Grant us sufficient pause, so that we may feel your loving embrace on our skin,
Your warmth in our Hearts & your peace in our mind.

Lend us your strength to forge our paths anew, far from the trees of home - & to find more of ourselves in our own silence.
Ease our guilt as we step away from the fonts of our families, our lands, our cultures, their laws & rule.

Quench our thirst with the Primary Waters from the wellspring of our monadic Soul.
Stand beside us as we drum our feet on the Earth to a new beat; the rhythm of Peace, of Love, of what it means to be free,

In your image: as One.”