Animal Presence

The tone of Animal Presence continues to take my breath away.

As we get clearer in our fields and there is less space taken up in the trappings of traumas demanding release, the dropping in becomes much richer, much deeper...

Back in January, I enquired with a friend’s herd of horses for their guidance on moving forwards, moving on and essentially disengaging from interacting with the past as a current event that we tend to still carry with us like baggage we use periodically to poke, or guilt-trip, ourselves with.

They responded with an experience that it has taken me some time to integrate:

The teaching was less about how to entangle ourselves from the past, or how to remove these stale images from our fields - and more about the cultivation of exquisite presence:

Animal Presence.

A presence that sees,
Not a presence that puts the earworms to sleep.
A presence that is at peace with all it sees,
Yet makes no changes in response.

Not popping out into the astral,
Not a gobbling it down and a solidification in the memory bank;
An ease of energy flow through-put:

In; a tasting
Out; a blessing;
True non-attachment.

Gently allowing the grace of that experience to move through us and to move us in the way that it was divinely intended in that moment, we can fully take in, “see” everything in each Now moment; a threat, a breeze, the surrounding flora and fauna – and in this “seeing” there is an allowing.

To fully see, is to be vulnerable enough for there to be an opening to receive.

When there is a space to receive, through this state of stillness, there is an open exchange of information, of energy, of spirit.

Not stillness as in a forced restraint;
But stillness as in emptiness,
- or, to name it by another; omnipotence.


Homeschooling has been and continues to be one of the biggest teachers we have ever had.

Before, we were told consistently by people closest to us and the media, that:
× They'll be behind
× They won't be able to socialise
× That we won't have time to do anything else
× That we don't have the knowledge
× That we don't have the patience
× That wouldn't we go mad with the kids around all day...

Not only did we have to break out of the conditioned belief system that our kids needed to "perform", "succeed", or "compete" (echoes of all of our own wounding), but we also had to step into a deeper layer of trust.

Trust that we had this, trust that they would thrive in the context we had to offer and trust in the innate intelligence of life to flow through the innate curiosity of children.

When I see what creative, self-assured and IN FLOW human beings they are, I know that we made the right choice.

They investigate, experiment, test, push boundaries and constantly check in with their own natures, to see how they can create their own realities.

And yet we're not denying the possibility that they might go back to a version of school with which we feel aligns to them and their unique unfolding in the world. BUT leaving behind the pattern for the pattern's sake has been key.

It has allowed us to:
+ Break out of another fear-control layer of the matrix
+ Cultivate our own one-pointed awareness
+ Be more embodied & present
+ Be more willing and available to deal with our own shit when it comes up
+ Give them the emotional support immediately they need it (so no more baggage is created)
+ Give them all the skin time they need, helping them to build incredible immunity AND a strong AF energy field
+ TRUST that Life, Nature, GOD has our backs

And it has given them the ability to develop skills that they are blow-away GREAT at, such as gymnastics and the aerial hoop, zoology and digital photography, languages (they are now in the process of speaking 3 before turning 10), horse riding, tradition and indigenous culture...

We are co-creating our lives together, without forcing, without fear of failure, without a script.

We are living Life more fully.

Quantum Leap

Where are you fostering those new (ancient) aspects of yourself to grow through, to reach up to the Light of Source again?

After having been called to move back to the British Isles from France's Burgundy in 2019 (in fact, I received the call in 2017 and it continued to get louder into more of a clarion in the lead up to 2019), we packed up our smallholding, gave away our chickens, got passports for the dog and the cat and the two horses, buried our other cat, said goodbye to the French Oaks, the Hawthorns (white and pink), the Blackthorns, the Bracken, Mugwort, Hazel and the Ash who had been so integral to my journey and my healing during our eight years in France, packed up our belongings and sold our house.

And we moved.
We moved into a one bedroom annexe,
Back to exactly where I grew up.

The neighbours were the same,
The view from the hilltops were the same,
The forest was the same,

But, EVERYTHING was different.

I was entering into a space that I had known so well for 20 years of my life with fresh, new eyes.

Yes, we gave away a lot, we grieved, we committed a LOT to the Earth and we risked and compromised many things, including our physical freedom - and some might have said that the move was more of a move back than a move forwards.

Now, we are in Pembrokeshire in Wales and living in a cob house (a Hobbit House), build solely from the materials onsite and from the immediate surrounding area.

We have a lightness, a free-ness, a playfulness that we haven't experienced before - both as individuals and as a family (with cat, dog and two horses).

We are currently planning our next steps and how they will look and feel - but these possibly major geographic changes are now well within our scope of possibility.

We are free to be guided, to be literally "moved" by our intuition and our needs, both for our own growth and that of our family members.

We are free to evolve.

Can you now feel the Truth behind death and rebirth being just two sides of the same coin in your life?

Where are the opportunities opening up for you now?

You Are Enough

When you act from a place of energetic Sovereignty, you are no longer available for manipulation.

You are no longer available to be told, or sold something that doesn't resonate with a deeper Truth within you.

You no longer shift your energy to a place of less than, smaller than, or hide away when you've been asked for your opinion, your contribution, or your confirmation.

You stand in your Truth.

In your Light.

In the unique harmonic resonance that is You,

Simply, because there just isn't any other way left to BE.

Having grown up in an environment where my highly left-field views, my esoteric ideals and often my energetic needs were relegated to the bottom of the queue, I was "safe", I was "definable", I was "understandable",

But, I was small,

I was contained,

I was categorised and homogonised,

And a large part of who I AM was silenced.

Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for having had this opportunity for growth show up on my journey home.

Perhaps you can resonate with how it feels to play small?

How it feels to contract your field to fit in with others, a situation, or a community of people?

How it feels to be envious of others who are leading with their Hearts and dreams?

Perhaps you've even considered if you actually have your own dreams, your own Path, or your own purpose to claim at all?

Trust me, if you are receiving this, this message in a bottle coming to you in the Divine timing of the Universe to say to you in this moment that,

(I am deeply in love with these words, as they come through me onto this page)

Perhaps this is the only message you need to hear, in order for the Truth of these words to create a shift deep within your being.

Perhaps just holding this frequency of Truth close to you again over the coming days of Spring will give you enough of what you need to step out.

Perhaps you need to get outside and scream this from the rooftops!!

In order to close the doors behind you on what is outdated, untrue -



Becoming more of who YOU are means that there's no longer need for competition.

This means that there’s no longer the need for energy games, power over/power under energy tricks and manipulation loops, which all come from a place of fear and scarcity (dating back to old traumas and schoolyard dynamics).

People forming their own reality from this place of limitation tend to compare themselves to others and judge others.

A fear-based mindset says that there is a finite amount of resource available.
A lack mentality believes that for one person to be abundant, another must suffer.
A scarcity loop states that there is only so much to go around.


When you expand out into the outer reaches of the Cosmos and touch the fertility of the Void, reSource yourself from higher levels of energy (Source) and lean into the richness of abundance, you realise (somatically) that:

We are infinitely reSourced

In the Awakened Earth communities, we KNOW who we are - and so we KNOW who we are not - and so the better you know YOU, the better you know how to place cooperation over competition, joy over judgement, harmony over your point of view.

And this is energetic - you can FEEL these dynamics at play

The new social framework that is emerging is one of cooperation, support and co-promotion - understanding that you can't (and certainly don't need to) be all things to everyone. Perhaps this is freeing in itself to hear.

In fact, as soon as you know who you ARE, you know that you ARE special in your unique flavour - add that to your life experience filter and you can guarantee that you are a one off.

So, get out there and BE you - don't judge others who you feel are too close to who you think you are...

In fact, if you are caught up enough in judging others in who you think they should be - you're bypassing your biggest opportunity to get to know yourSelf.


Here in Costa Rica, everyone is very present, very embodied and very conscious of what they're doing. That makes service in restaurants slow and driving on the roads long, but when you're invited into another's field, you know that you have their full attention.

You are aware that you are experiencing their total energetic investment, seen/ felt/ known in the eyes/ body language/ energy field. People aren’t in a rush to get to the next appointment, to secure another house (even when they know the house they live in is being sold), or to get paid for what they are owed – because they continually cultivate trust and faith in those things being delivered to them exactly when they have the capacity to hold them.

Gone (or never here in the first place) are the attitudes of “the more people I see, the more I make”, or “the more I prepare, the more I can sell”, both symptomatic of the “doing-to-get” distortion that is so pervasive - and so energetically draining - in both personal and professional lives elsewhere.

Existing in and acting from the Now moment (ie, the only moment that actually exists), fully present and backed up by all of your (own) energy is a powerful place to be.

One that heals
One that unites
One that creates worlds, timelines and paradigm shifts

The beholder of this energy, acting from the Now moment (the Zero Point Field) is able to channel a supercharged, lightning bolt of life-force into their creations/ interactions - that then in turn get picked up by exactly the people that need the medicine of that there life-force.

And the receiver of this energy feels and knows that they are fully seen on their path.They are able to rest in who they are, without needing to contort themselves into being bigger/ smaller/ better/ worse than, in order to fit in/ fall out with this other person.

They are taken fully for who they truly are, naked, like the day they were born.

In that pin-prick moment, looking with clarity and presence, it is possible to touch into a reflection of our own Divinity in the eyes of another - portals into Creation’s beating heart herself.