

Homeschooling has been and continues to be one of the biggest teachers we have ever had.

Before, we were told consistently by people closest to us and the media, that:
× They'll be behind
× They won't be able to socialise
× That we won't have time to do anything else
× That we don't have the knowledge
× That we don't have the patience
× That wouldn't we go mad with the kids around all day...

Not only did we have to break out of the conditioned belief system that our kids needed to "perform", "succeed", or "compete" (echoes of all of our own wounding), but we also had to step into a deeper layer of trust.

Trust that we had this, trust that they would thrive in the context we had to offer and trust in the innate intelligence of life to flow through the innate curiosity of children.

When I see what creative, self-assured and IN FLOW human beings they are, I know that we made the right choice.

They investigate, experiment, test, push boundaries and constantly check in with their own natures, to see how they can create their own realities.

And yet we're not denying the possibility that they might go back to a version of school with which we feel aligns to them and their unique unfolding in the world. BUT leaving behind the pattern for the pattern's sake has been key.

It has allowed us to:
+ Break out of another fear-control layer of the matrix
+ Cultivate our own one-pointed awareness
+ Be more embodied & present
+ Be more willing and available to deal with our own shit when it comes up
+ Give them the emotional support immediately they need it (so no more baggage is created)
+ Give them all the skin time they need, helping them to build incredible immunity AND a strong AF energy field
+ TRUST that Life, Nature, GOD has our backs

And it has given them the ability to develop skills that they are blow-away GREAT at, such as gymnastics and the aerial hoop, zoology and digital photography, languages (they are now in the process of speaking 3 before turning 10), horse riding, tradition and indigenous culture...

We are co-creating our lives together, without forcing, without fear of failure, without a script.

We are living Life more fully.