costa rica


Here in Costa Rica, everyone is very present, very embodied and very conscious of what they're doing. That makes service in restaurants slow and driving on the roads long, but when you're invited into another's field, you know that you have their full attention.

You are aware that you are experiencing their total energetic investment, seen/ felt/ known in the eyes/ body language/ energy field. People aren’t in a rush to get to the next appointment, to secure another house (even when they know the house they live in is being sold), or to get paid for what they are owed – because they continually cultivate trust and faith in those things being delivered to them exactly when they have the capacity to hold them.

Gone (or never here in the first place) are the attitudes of “the more people I see, the more I make”, or “the more I prepare, the more I can sell”, both symptomatic of the “doing-to-get” distortion that is so pervasive - and so energetically draining - in both personal and professional lives elsewhere.

Existing in and acting from the Now moment (ie, the only moment that actually exists), fully present and backed up by all of your (own) energy is a powerful place to be.

One that heals
One that unites
One that creates worlds, timelines and paradigm shifts

The beholder of this energy, acting from the Now moment (the Zero Point Field) is able to channel a supercharged, lightning bolt of life-force into their creations/ interactions - that then in turn get picked up by exactly the people that need the medicine of that there life-force.

And the receiver of this energy feels and knows that they are fully seen on their path.They are able to rest in who they are, without needing to contort themselves into being bigger/ smaller/ better/ worse than, in order to fit in/ fall out with this other person.

They are taken fully for who they truly are, naked, like the day they were born.

In that pin-prick moment, looking with clarity and presence, it is possible to touch into a reflection of our own Divinity in the eyes of another - portals into Creation’s beating heart herself.

Sacred Coffee

I thought I'd given up coffee, until recently.

As I became more sensitive, I became aware of how coffee would contribute to being more out-of-body. I would exist in an energetic ball above my shoulder for the day & there would be a constant tension, force & will to keep myself anchored into the physical. This would play out in everything speeding up around me; my movement, breath, conversations & emotions. Irritation & frustration would easily bubble up (in me & people in my hologram around me), as my energy would desperately reach to reconnect with my Earth-anchor (body).

We can see how this plays out in the collective; fuelling the addiction to forcing, overreaching, to seeking the “promised land” versus living in the Now & the general inability to land in the body. This, in turn, takes people further away from their sacred vessel as tuning fork & in-the-moment-guide.

In April, with the incredible @salena_walker & the gall bladder came; the Coffee Enema.

Opening mySelf & my prayers to this process, the spirit of Coffee both worked me & worked with me & has continued to come back to me at more elevated frequencies (as we grow through the layers of consciousness, we often spiral back/ forward (in)to things that previously we had written off).

In coming to Costa Rica I met the plant herself & the deeply embodied people who craft for slow, intentional consumption (far from the fast-food we are used to seeing in airports, service stations & supermarkets).

The version grown with pride and ritualistic adoration.

The lower echelons of a spirit ally highlight exactly what within ourselves needs integrating

-> and the disparity between the collective’s energy body & physical body is crying out to be noticed right now.

It's no coincidence that this medicine has grown in popularity over the past 40 years.

Coffee is a deeply grounding ally, that has the capacity to whisper us back to our centre line, if we only listen to her patient, devoted medicine, a medicine that has already found her way to a street near you!