
Becoming more of who YOU are means that there's no longer need for competition.

This means that there’s no longer the need for energy games, power over/power under energy tricks and manipulation loops, which all come from a place of fear and scarcity (dating back to old traumas and schoolyard dynamics).

People forming their own reality from this place of limitation tend to compare themselves to others and judge others.

A fear-based mindset says that there is a finite amount of resource available.
A lack mentality believes that for one person to be abundant, another must suffer.
A scarcity loop states that there is only so much to go around.


When you expand out into the outer reaches of the Cosmos and touch the fertility of the Void, reSource yourself from higher levels of energy (Source) and lean into the richness of abundance, you realise (somatically) that:

We are infinitely reSourced

In the Awakened Earth communities, we KNOW who we are - and so we KNOW who we are not - and so the better you know YOU, the better you know how to place cooperation over competition, joy over judgement, harmony over your point of view.

And this is energetic - you can FEEL these dynamics at play

The new social framework that is emerging is one of cooperation, support and co-promotion - understanding that you can't (and certainly don't need to) be all things to everyone. Perhaps this is freeing in itself to hear.

In fact, as soon as you know who you ARE, you know that you ARE special in your unique flavour - add that to your life experience filter and you can guarantee that you are a one off.

So, get out there and BE you - don't judge others who you feel are too close to who you think you are...

In fact, if you are caught up enough in judging others in who you think they should be - you're bypassing your biggest opportunity to get to know yourSelf.