
The Viral Lode

My experience with the *virus* at the end of last year was deeply Shamanic in its essence and teachings.

Intelligent, intense and compassionate - in my experience - it orchestrated a deep clearing of old wounds, tied up in each physical organ, bodily system and cell as it worked me from head to toe, from inside out.

As each molecule of toxin, pressed down into my cells through years of wounding, resistance and fighting against myself, bubbled up, an emotion, a memory and a full body energetic experience would come with it. Prostrating on the bed, my body went nill by mouth for 4 days.

It pushed me to many limits and choice points that could have taken me months and years to get to. I saw my light blinking in the darkness and had to claim, declare and anchor in (again) my right to life.

I had to fully choose life from a unified place, having seen the contrast of my shadow and having brought more of my lead into the light.

It wasn't easy.

But, getting sick - for me - wasn't something to be frightened of, or to deny the possibility of. Being sick is - for me - something to be gently open to, if that is how my body needs to express itself and the toxins accumulated from having lived many lives in resistance.

I am not opposed to sickness, nor am I prepared to fight or mask my body's responses and fashions of expression. To do so would be deeply polarised against myself - and my own physical manifestation in this reality.

--> It would be to be against my own choice to incarnate.

Perhaps the *virus* isn't the problem, but people’s addition to being pitched against each other - and themselves - is.

Perhaps *it* is the Gaian gift of accelerated uplevel that we've criminalised and rebranded the enemy.

Perhaps the mass marketing of a bandaid-fix-all-ills to prevent, nullify, reduce, expell and test for the enemy was exactly the medicine that we needed to illustrate our addiction, born out of deep wounding, to a case of "us and them" perpetual polarisation.

As with all my work; take what resonates and leave the rest to the wind.