Sacred Coffee

I thought I'd given up coffee, until recently.

As I became more sensitive, I became aware of how coffee would contribute to being more out-of-body. I would exist in an energetic ball above my shoulder for the day & there would be a constant tension, force & will to keep myself anchored into the physical. This would play out in everything speeding up around me; my movement, breath, conversations & emotions. Irritation & frustration would easily bubble up (in me & people in my hologram around me), as my energy would desperately reach to reconnect with my Earth-anchor (body).

We can see how this plays out in the collective; fuelling the addiction to forcing, overreaching, to seeking the “promised land” versus living in the Now & the general inability to land in the body. This, in turn, takes people further away from their sacred vessel as tuning fork & in-the-moment-guide.

In April, with the incredible @salena_walker & the gall bladder came; the Coffee Enema.

Opening mySelf & my prayers to this process, the spirit of Coffee both worked me & worked with me & has continued to come back to me at more elevated frequencies (as we grow through the layers of consciousness, we often spiral back/ forward (in)to things that previously we had written off).

In coming to Costa Rica I met the plant herself & the deeply embodied people who craft for slow, intentional consumption (far from the fast-food we are used to seeing in airports, service stations & supermarkets).

The version grown with pride and ritualistic adoration.

The lower echelons of a spirit ally highlight exactly what within ourselves needs integrating

-> and the disparity between the collective’s energy body & physical body is crying out to be noticed right now.

It's no coincidence that this medicine has grown in popularity over the past 40 years.

Coffee is a deeply grounding ally, that has the capacity to whisper us back to our centre line, if we only listen to her patient, devoted medicine, a medicine that has already found her way to a street near you!