The Medicine from the ‘Queen of Perfume’

‘Queen of Perfume’, or Ylang Ylang, is a medicinal tree and flower (our essence has been made with both); historically widely taken internally and worn externally.

Shooting straight as a die, He helps you to stand up straighter and to take a stand (rooted in your own frequency/ truth, whatever that may be).

He helps us to deliver our medicine.

Physically, effecting the lower belly and the sacral centre, a gentle, yet fast-moving stilling, opening the door into trans-generational trauma (karmic) clearing.

Softening the emotional codex; so that we can learn to identify and use the flow of our emotions intentionally and as part of our toolbox.

Mentally, offering a citrine matrix overlay that links the causal body to the mental body.

Spiritually, the energies resemble an upflowing motion; branching out to the eyes, the polarities - helping us to understand what is our perception versus what is reality, to take a step back, a deep breath before reacting; to foster our relationship with objectify versus reaching/ forcing.

Updating with these codes helps to work down the karmic fractal lines, clearing ancestral karma and the echoing patterns we find as symptoms within our lives (that we notice reflected in our families). He aids us in clearing and defining the ‘pivot point’ or threshold on which we abode between our ancestors and our children. Helping to sweep these avenues and integrate their learnings, for personal nervous system recalibration and affectation on others, mirroring his fast-growing, evergreen nature and ability to thrive in semi-shade (between the light and dark).

Mantis tribe/ Citrine codex/ supportive of Karmic and vision cleansing.

Crafted around May of 2022, with the tree and flowers in equal measure of a domestic tree grown onsite at our Home in a powerful energy portal on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica.

Ylang Ylang (Cananga Odorata) now available in the Essences Shop.