
"Since my constellation, the softness has remained. I can see it in my cheeks and jaw.  It’s silly but I don’t worry as much about the dishes getting done.  There’s more spaciousness between me and my partner in our home. I had one anxiety dream about my dad and stepmom the night after the constellation but it feels like the last stormy cloud blowing over. Since then, my dreams have been lighter. My intuition has gotten stronger or I am trusting it more. I know what people will say before they say it. I take a beat inside myself to ask which is the right way. I wait for the answer and then ask the question out loud. Answers confirm answers. I seem to be going through another cycle of boundary setting and shedding ways of relating that aren’t full yeses. I bide my time. Sending out feelers and waiting to see what information comes back. Less pouring out of self and more dripping honey.
"Gratitude to Harriet Goudard and the lineage of Family Constellation."

The testimonial above has been graciously shared by Celia, from a recent, in-person Family Systemic Constellations Workshop in Costa Rica.

You can find the full article about her experience on her blog @skymoonandme

To experience this work yourself, check out the links in bio ❤👆🏼