An Ode to Hibiscus Vibrational Medicine (flower essence)

Oh, Hibiscus…

‘The Dancer’ (evoking the masterpieces of Degas) between worlds, the flow that blossoms in the Highest Heart expression.

Her spirit-in-form expression, resembling the delicacy of our very own skin tissues, blood capillaries and circulatory system of the Heart. As with anything truly from the Heart, she is the fierce mother, the warrior, the Samurai, the curse-breaker of illusory aspects -

Of anything less than Love.

Her tactile dance through the layers of the body, blood and emotional body never ceases to get things moving.

Her maternal line of enquiry is much more than skin-deep, evoking the Kundalini energies of the Earth, the fires of purification, along with the ultimate expression of Air and the direction of the East. This final magical offering is hidden within the codes of her form; her proboscis, the ‘secret' she guards closely within.

Her truest gifts are the overflow of the grounded Heart frequency, the reconnect with the spherical nature of time and space and their overlapping/ overlaying systems -

As such, she supports us in cultivating our own vulnerability to receive (from life, our ancestors, our partners and communities).

Crafted around the Summer Solstice 2022, with a domestic plant grown onsite at our Home in a powerful energy portal on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica, Hibiscus Sabdariffa Vibrational Medicine (flower essence) is now available in the shop.