Are you Ready to Die?

If you’re not actively taking from Life, you are merging with Death.

In many new age spiritual practices, we can spend much of our time out of body; reaching, grasping, seeking externally to ourselves, “channeling” other “consciousnesses”, our “higher” selves – always more, forward, progress, self-development; mirrored on the outside as economic growth, growth per capita, environmental exhaustion.

When you don’t nourish, or anchor into Life, into the Now, into what is coming up right under your nose in Life’s mirror, lost in some goal, some dream, or someone else’s reality, essentially, you’re not anchoring into your Heart, nor into your cells.

If you have a propensity to merge more easily with the ALL that is, Death is more familiar to you than Life.

Death is your merging with the ALL.

Unification with the ALL, without a firm and solid anchor in the Heart/ Now/ Zero Point Field, is in fact an anchor into Death. Death is the merging with the ALL and the dissolution of the I.

So, I ask, why follow any new age spiritual teachings that offer you that merger without the anchor?

We see this as a distortion with people teaching “spirituality”, or “quantum transformation” and at the same time not actually acting, nor actually perceiving the world, through their heart.

How do you anchor your I? You have to fully consent to life.

To fully consent to life, you must be vulnerable enough to receive – and this means receiving life from everywhere, every corner, every parent, ancestor, partner current or previous, every single thing that shows up in your life to offer you a breadcrumb to locating the next piece of yourself.

Life doesn’t work in hierarchies.

Life’s best teachers don’t cost more and more money.

Life isn’t a pyramid scheme to be conquered.

Legacy itself isn’t monetary either – it can be as simple as being able to receive life fully from your ancestral lines, in order to fully give life to your progeny.

Any teaching that is merger without anchor fosters your connection with Death, not Life.

You cannot serve from the ALL, it has to run through the I, through the Human – remember that the saints themselves had to physicalize in order to serve.

It’s all very well pumping out metta into the void, but unless you are anchored in, you are burning yourself out and actually doing Life a disservice.

It is possible to set up a very simple experience, whereby you can feel into in the moment where you stand on the scale between being able to take from Life and from Death. This is a very powerful movement and realisation and in turn can catalyse many large and significant changes in one’s life. If you would like to experience this, please do make contact.