Why the Process isn't the Whole Process...

First, about a month ago this message came from an epic woman and then more recently from another rockstar who is new to my space. Typically, as I didn't take the hints Life manifested for me on either of those occasions, I found myself plunged into an experience of what it's like to loose the tether to the greater goal completely...

(I dont mean the kind of goal that we force and push to reach, thrusting forward out of ourselves and out of our bodies,

But the kind of goal that orients the ship, so that it can steadily chart its way across the choppy seas 🛶)

So, I found that more energy than usual was being spent on moving through a particular process (more on that later). It was gritty, messy, particularly snotty and dark - reflective of both the change of season, the level of personal work I am currently doing around the root seal/ wound of repression and the feast of Mickaelmas whereby we get more energetic invitations (yay!) to tame/ ride/ wield more of our inner dragons 🐲

And yet, of course, it was highly transformative and freed up much dormant energy in my system.

However, if I'm honest, I got stuck at the level of the process. The fascinating, highly Shamanic process, that included releasing etheric shackles from my ankles, hurling stone weights into the ocean and integrating at least 3 inner children (one of which was in her 20s).

As a Practitioner, Healer or Coach, it can be "easy", what with working with the personal and generational trauma of others', to get stuck in the grit yourself.

In the dirt.

Faceplanted on the floor.

In fact, right now the energies are still so intense that they are supportive of this highly cleansing and transmutational (at the DNA level) process.

Evolution yo.

Enabling us to receive more from spirit,
Hone and develop our channels,
Clear ancestral karma,
Bring through more of ourselves in aligned service,

So, fab in and of itself, right?

But, let this be a reminder to Self - and to you, if this resonates and you've found yourself on your ass more than once this month

To keep your eye on the prize.
Finger on the money.
In the game.

Because, staying small can be a creeper - and it don't help anyone at all.