"The more I know, the more I realize I know nothing."

"The more I know, the more I realize I know nothing."
- Socrates

Nature teaches us to learn through the Heart;

Moment to moment,

To see what is,

And to allow it to be without judgement.

To receive it with gratitude,

To allow it to move us

Without rushing it into something else,

Neither holding it captive,

But releasing it with our blessings,

Our bodies remembering our learnings from its passing through.

This is healing -

This is wisdom 🐸

#embodiedwisdom #embodiment #embodiedspirituality #embodiedlearning #naturalness #being #keystobeing #justbe #nonattachment #middleway #middlepath #genekeys #genekey10 #frogspirit #frogmedicine #natureasmedicine #natureasteacher #natureasmirror #selfobsession