What it Means to be in Right Relationship with the EARTH

Since the 80s (and before) we've been told that its us - 

That we are the ones breaking the Earth

Polluting the soils

Killing the oceans

Running our animals to extinction.

That we should tread lightly

Change our habits

Buy new products

Leave no trace.

Sure, let's live consciously ✅

Banish waste ✅

Buy intentionally ✅

But let's cut the shame

The constant berating of ourselves and each other

Let's gentle the fear of having to choose between eco and economic 

And level with what we can do.

Because, what we're talking about here is bigger than that...

Because, fear and shame and blame get in the way 

Of what it means to be a child

In right relation to its (Earth) mother.

A mother that willfully carves us from her limbs

A mother that gives 

A mother that serves

Who loves unconditionally 

Her thread of life living through all of us here in form as proof

The life that weaves through all of the ancestors who came before us...

The Earth wound is the mother wound

The mother wound is the separation from Self

The separation from Self is the separation from Soul

(Our Soul is our North Star, around which everything revolves) 💥

And this is referred to as 'Soul sickness'

And yet another great opportunity for growth...

So, if the outside is a reflection of the in - 

Heal your connection to your mother

To heal your connection to your body, to your foundations, to your ground

To heal your connection to yourSelf and your Soul.

--> This is one of the deeply activating modules in Anima Presence, the intimate group container for Soulpreneurs, Practitioners and Healers wanting to create from a place of embodied Soul launching soon. Sign up for updates vía link in bio 👆🏼 ✨

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#soulempowerment #soulpreneurship #rightrelationship #earthelement #earthincantation #prayerforearth #earthing #earthheart #climatechange #climatecrisis #motherwound #familysystem #familyalchemy #familysystems #familyconstellation #familyconstellations #ancestralhealing #traumahealing #traumainformed #traumainformedembodiment #traumainformedcoach #embodimentmentor #embodimentcoach #somaticcoach #somatics #somaticembodiment