The Role Animals Play

To expand a little on Nature having no empathy, what role do animals play in our lives?

Yes compatriots, comforters, allies, protectors...

But if we look at them outside of the human projection field, what roles do they hold for us?

Animals are:

Neutral (ie, non-emotional and non-manipulative, unless highly imprinted by the human)

Reflectors and mirrors of us (and the holes in our energy fields)

Driven by the energetics of the systems to which they belong

Archetypal anchors for the whole (the language of the Totem).

As their life's work takes place in the Unified or Morphogenetic Field, they are innately always seeking wholeness through their actions.

They move energy through us as individuals and hence the collective (propogating the weft of life), driven by the systemic impulse to fill gaps, have the unseen brought to the surface and to re-place, or integrate the excluded.

Which is why I know that "petting" horses, except to connect at the heartspace (think Avatar 🐎), is a futile, if not egoistic exercise...

And I can see that the dog rolling over to have its tummy tickled is more about the ascertation of their rightful place in the system than a purely hedonistic demand.

Sound familiar?

If this is a level you have contemplated animals at, this will be something you can already access. If this is new to you, or feels like a leap, perhaps try it on for size

Because animals are living representatives in the Morphogenetic Field - they are constant role players in the dance of life, taking on roles to invite us beyond our wounding and beyond the Human Story.

They are the Family Systemic Constellation playing out around us all of the time 💫

My new intimate group container, Anima Presence previously deopped in as Animal Presence. This is because Animals run at the frequency of the Anima (Source Divine Feminine, Unified/ Morphogenetic Field, or Oversoul) at all times and can therefore teach us to do the same.

Interested to learn more? Join the waitlist vía the link in bio 👆🏼

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