Soul Light is More Tactile at Dawn...

Soul Light is more tactile at dawn...

Lately, I have been playing with


Nourishing and

Stepping more into my own Soul's Light through communing with:



Dawnlight and


--> All as reflections of this Divine Source light within.

The layers are peeling off faster than ever,

With less latency or ping time between the inner core of my embodied being

And the outer radiance of my Soul's song.

This beautiful and highly alchemical conversation is asking:

--> Who are we being challenged to BE?

--> What are we being called to step more into INTO?

--> Where can we drop the victim stance even more in relationships (to other, to Self), in order to step more into EMPOWERMENT?*

*This feels like the 100th dance for me, as I mine more of the deepest roots and Soul Contracts 💫

The dives are deep

But the expansions are oh so great -

And the creations more in integrity,

More potent,

More unique,

More aligned.

And with that, gently unveiling, Anima Presence, the new group container for reconnecting with the Divine within, so that the form of every creation sits directly on the embodiment of your own Soul's Light...

Coming soon, save this post to watch this space 💥

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