Healers and Dreamers, Change-Makers and Lovers, the time is now...

What parts of your personal story still remain occluded from sight,

Relegated to the shelves of 'another time', 'another me'?

Stories of pain and guilt, love and laughter.

What is it that's asking to be told and heard and brought into the light?

The signs and sounds and smells and songs that are the breadcrumbs calling you back through time...

Which parts of you do you unconsciously or consciously deny by not telling them?

Who is benefitting from this lesser version of Self?

Turning the mirror back on ourselves we realise that shame is an illusion,

A choice,

A contract we buy into,

Or release in the same breath.

Coming closer to our humanity;

Allowing what was and what is and what wants to be,

And sharing our stories with just one person each day -

Serving to lift their sights back to the horizon,

To buffer their Soul.

A truth tonic that reconnects us,

Opens our hearts,

Softens our minds and our stories,

Helps us to step back into love for each other once again.

☆ Share this and help to alchemise the change we want to see in the world 🥰

#storytelling #storiesasmedicine #shamanicpractitioner #shaman #shamanism #medicinewoman #healersrise