What is stopping you from standing in your truth?

What is stopping you from standing in your truth?

From speaking out your truth?

From living in your truth and embodying it right down to the cells?

Are you being criticised, held back, delayed, in your quest?

Are there taboos, shoulds, shouldn’ts, for how to be?

That you are employing as veils to your Soul?

Sattvic Syndrome of preaching Light and No Dark?

Despite the numbing mirrors of the past few years?

What is keeping you small? Keeping you hidden right now?

--》 And what is at stake?

This is the time of Union,

Of coming together in tenderness,

In-power, with impact.

This is healing. This is Life.

#personalempowerment #womensempowerment #traumainformed #traumainformedtherapy #shamanicpractitioner #lightoftruth #cursebreaker #ownyoursoul