Nature as Medicine

Our first baby was loud and fractious, a mirror reflection of everything I felt inside at the time...

Never truly present, never relaxed, never in my body, there was always a knotted tension inside my gut that I couldn’t place, nor dissipate.

Believing that whenever I sat down, I needed to multi-task breastfeeding with some other role that needed doing in the house, in order to keep a sane, orderly and healthy living space.

Structure and order were both my jailors and my saviours 🤷‍♀️

After working in events for over a decade and running my own businesses, in all of which I had over-served, over-delivered and over-given of myself to ensure a great client experience, I had driven my Soul away in the process.

My lack of self-love maintained an impermeable wall between me and anyone else who could have actually supported me,

This in turn only serving to prevent having to feel into the vulnerability required to be truly intimate with anyone,

To really receive from anyone else at all...

I continued to give back more than I received from others,

And through this kept myself walled off...

-> Connecting with animals, horses and Nature, as I had done as a child were fundamental on my path back to Self, to health and prosperity.

--> Discovering reciprocity in my relationship with the 'other',

--> Feeling deeply seen and held for my ossified emotions to flow,

--> Coming back full circle to my essence, my heart and my centre 💕

But, Nature as Medicine doesn't just mean working Shamanically with plants, animals and trees,

It means working with our own truest Nature,

It means following the breadcrumbs of reality back to the centre of the labyrinth,

It means choosing alignment with our true Natures above and before anything else -

In order to serve from a place of overflow (and not depletion).

Where have you been and where are you going? What's your journey?

#natureasmedicine #shamanism #herosjourney #hierosgamos #healingwithhorses #horseconstellation #familyconstellations #familyconstellation