The Seed of LIGHT (is within you)

Seed of Light, go thee well into the darkness,

Deep down into her bodily soils,

Watered by the rains of Autumn love,

Fair come the winds of change.

Help her to keep the fire burning at her Hearth,

Through the transition of the darkest times.

Connecting with those lost parts of herself,

Buried deep, like gilded coin.

The opening now, all the way down,

Into the fertile depths of her womb,

In which you, sweet seed, settle;

Warm, nourished, held close, caressed -

Ready to birth new life, new Soul,

Into what is - and what will be,

Transformative times for the whole.

Oh, little seed, blessings to you on your journey;

Go well, Godspeed.

Continue to believe in yourself during those cold, dark months,

When you feel so alone,

So far from Home.

Know that you have a greater purpose,

A mission to complete,

A word, a name to speak and spell,

Creating realities in the world with your song.

Oh, little seed,

Stay close and stay well.

* Photo location: The Dragon's Back, Pembrokeshire, UK

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