Why Yoga's take on the Ego is Wrong

Over all of my 40 years (ok, nearly 41), in some way or another my journey has been to serve the other first, including

Conforming to a written or spoken rule (determined by another person)

Conforming to an unspoken rule (child's desire to belong)

To give of myself, before fully receiving

And I am here to tell you, that this is pervasive & FALSE!

In the times of the Vedas - dawn of Christianity, people were in a totally different paradigm, driven by their Ego, base nature, the material world

But they lacked Soul (eg the Babylonian destruction/ genocide of Jerusalem/ Israelites)

Hence the banishment of Ego was the perfect medicine for those times - getting people out of their own, generally selfish motives and into (re)connecting with more

God/ Nature/ Soul

(And also why the Mystery Schools were reserved for the Initiates, risking their lives to preserve this information for us)

In this phase of evolution, they desperately needed Soul connection, remembrance of a Higher Path, a bigger raison d’être and to lean into and serve each other before serving themselves

Scoot to the current situ and the past 4 decades

Yes, we find the boom of Yoga and yes, we find a bunch of questionable Babylonian reincarnates around many corners if we look for them

But, for the wider, already heart-led populous?

We don't find it hard to serve others

We find it harder to serve ourselves and hence others from overflow

So, again, my messages aren't generally for the mass consciousness - so don't generally land with those hell bent on modern Yoga, love and light and spirituality over the endlessly cool and multi-D, Human OS, but...

If you are in my field reading this, I invite you to, today, if just for one day, see how much space you can give your Ego

In total trust that whatever She desires has deeper roots in Soul-alignment and

That her voice has been a whisper for so long, that She's maybe just hard to hear...

Let me know how you get on.

With much love to you, your Ego and your Soul,

Harriet xx

PS: 2 days remaining to get in on the Initiation that is the Lifeforce Reclamation Yard at the Early Bird price (link in bio)