

We often like to follow that word with 'in something'/ 'in someone'

But, today, I'd like to offer you an alternative perspective that the deepest version

The most powerful version

The somatically understood version, ie, the version that makes sense to our Human OS on all levels

Possibly isn't what you'd think

--> Drop into the word 'Trust' and allow your mind to insert whatever word(s) it desires to afterward

And then say the phrase you have put together out-loud/ to yourself

Note how it feels in your soma (across all layers of your BEing)

--> Now, compare that experience against now doing the same thing, but this time just using the word 'Trust' naked, just like the day it was born

Say it out-loud (or move it through the throat centre in one way or another)

And now see how that feels in your soma

What do you notice?

What I notice is a forward step, or desire for movement when I follow 'Trust' with anything else

Do you?

What I see, time and time again in my Family Constellation and Shamanic Practice is that people tend to have such an urgency

A desire to move forward

To drill down in order to resolve and understand (through the mind)

That the key power of many healing statements gets quite easily diluted

It gets lost :(

For, really, if we reduce whatever it is we are looking to 'Trust in' back to its basic principle

💥 We discover that there is no 'Other' to be 'trusted in' in the first place

Therefore, the trust we are seeking is actually being sought inside of ourselves - as a deeper level of trust in the SELF (as above so below/ as within so without)

That's precisely why I have found that the fewer, well chosen words make for better healing sentences

Which make for deeper transformations (and better spells at that!)

Because, when we simmer it down, this is the language of the integrated, Soul-aligned Human (or the Divine Human), who is naturally so articulate ACROSS ALL LAYERS

That most of the time our Human minds wish to overthrow it altogether and overlook it in preference of complexity

How exhausting that paradigm must be!

LAST CALL FOR EARLY BIRDS (70% off list price!) to join the Lifeforce Reclamation Yard (link in bio)