The Dark Night of the Soul

Everybody here’s probably experienced at least one Dark Night of the Soul

The sense of lifelessness, dejection, total-consumption-in-the-mess-of-the-process type event

Those moments that push us to things such as the power of prayer (if that wasn’t already part of our game plan).

As Shaman, Medicine Woman & Facilitator, I too have had many of these moments

Looking down the barrel of the shotgun I loaded for myself…

Over-serving, un-boundaried (but totally bound), giving myself away to others under the guise of altruistic service (which never served me),

Addicted, ashamed, rejected and stuck in looping behaviors, which meant that reality kept rebounding back the same kind of things, the same people

Bleeding lifeforce from every cell 💔

Fast-forward to present day, where I’m a little bit older and a little bit(!) wiser

I realise how long I was running on vapours; coffee, nicotine and the rest - looking like the walking dead,

Migraines were off the charts and nothing felt genuine, real, or aligned, except when in connection with other, likeminded ‘lost boys’.

I was out of body - and out of time.

Boiling under the surface was years, decades, generations of lifelessness, forced hands, imposed choices and hell-a trauma

And I was being pulled into their vortex.

Through the gentle voice of Nature, speaking first through her plants and animals and then through my ancestry, I was able to slowly piece myself back together…

The wounds of shame and rejection flaring up beyond what I was able to contain any longer…

Healing, step by step…

And the no-other-choice-point to step into life more deeply…

That gift was (and continues to be) to reclaim why I am here at all - and what that means for me and for my service to the world.

For me, for them, for everyone.

Welcome to the Lifeforce Reclamation Yard, the 4-week Initiate’s Path to reigniting the fires of your Soul, empowering you to fully take the reins of your Life back & fulfill your destiny on this planet (link in bio 👆)