The Truth About Sacred Space

Sacred Space doesn't need to be a thing

A different state of mind

Something that exists outside of ourselves

In another time, or place,

Or a different state of consciousness...

It doesn't need special keys or training to enter

No rituals

No ceremony

No prayers or particular tools...

Yes, it becomes easier to access this aspect of Self through practices,

That still the mind, cleanse the emotions, purify the body and energise the spirit...

And ceremony, ritual, prayer, tools and training can help to prepare the soil

And clear the path...

But, Friend, this isn't where the path ends

It is just the beginning!

Because (*spoiler*)

You already ARE sacred space...

You already exist within sacred space...

Your very being is sacred within space....

And you ARE the Light and the Earth and everything in between,

You ARE Soul and Human all at once.

Yes, we can lean into one or the other

And for a time, we might feel more comfortable hanging out more with one or t'other

But, in truth, you are an amalgam,

A liquid crystal dance, sung into form,

Woven on the clotheshorse of Life...

You are the Yellow Brick Road between the two

That is accessible now through presence and through feeling the impulse of this movement within you.

Harriet xx

PS: The Lifeforce Reclamation Yard goes live tomorrow and we have an intimate group of incredible Souls gathered who have answered the call.

There still is time to join us on this 4-week deep dive to reigniting the fires of your Soul - through the potent and embodied practices of FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS and SHAMANISM. Check out the full details via link in bio.