The Work of Self-Development

To the people doing the work of self-development right now
Of bettering themselves
Consciously moving through what's theirs with a committed devotion to a new way...

Dear, you have GREAT COURAGE!

On the face of it
The mainstream media distorts and occults it
Society at large denies it
Families generally don't talk about it
Friends often don't have the tools or capacity to hold space for it...

And yet, right now, the energetic invitation to dive deep
To touch into our truest 'seed state'
Our basest Divine nature
Our Soul's voice
And to realise more of who we are
Has never been more intense...

The Universal play positively supporting this process right now - and continuing to do so in the lead up to the Solstice portal...

Feels like a call from the deep
An otherworldly dream
A pause - a gap in the fabric of Life
Reflected in the cry of the preybirds as they dip and circle on the eddies in the valley
The clouds hanging heavy with moisture
The birdsong alone keeping time...

The whole world stage holding its breath waiting to see what we, Humanity, will choose to do with it

This gift called Life...

Echoed in many choice points I've seen recently in my client work

A hanging suspension like sand particles in water

Waiting, timeless in that eternal moment for our direction

The juice, or impulse of intention, to propel the story forward to the next stage

A conscious set of EYES to witness the whole unfolding

A tension, awaiting for the breath of life, for reanimation

>>> Now onboarding for Soul School, an 8-week collaboration with Soul, that emboldens your connection from a whisper, to the fuel and fire underneath everything you do...

Diving deep into Soul Contracts, Vow, Past Lives, Soul Retrieval and much more, commune with Her more clearly - and without so much noise...

Re-calibrate your work, how you show up and your lifestyle to your Soul’s calling and purpose, so that you can live a life full of impactful creativity...

Develop your channel organically and in a way that is in tune with your nervous system...

Bring your clairs and psychic abilities online quickly and tangibly, to navigate what's next with ease and grace. DM for more info 😀