The Courage of Self-Mastery

You are so strong, you don't even know it...

Bubbling underneath the external life, filled with 'to dos' and places to be,
There is a fire that burns so brightly.

I know this because in order to be here, incarnate - MANIFEST - you have this (by definition) -

These flames from which you draw strength...

But, what I also know is that underneath that fire,

Deep within the golden-blue hues of the flickering flames,

Is the SOURCE of your FIRE...

The fuel that ignites your fire,

From which you draw your lifeforce...

This fuel is both your essence and your ancestry...

Your Heaven and your Earth...

Your DNA and cosmic imprinting...

All woven together in a magical tension that catalyses life to BURST FORTH!

Herein lie your codes...

Your potential and scope for this life-plan (and many others)..

Chosen and orchestrated just for you - by you

My mission here is to help you reconnect with these codes,

So that you can realise your potential in this lifetime,

Heal your Human,

Bring these codes through from this spark of life - all the way into your Human

And out the other side in service to the world...

Navigating the whole Ouroboros

Void to Heavens


And that you get to be


So that everything you choose to DO from that place, is a Divine extension of this BEing

Clearing the pathways for you to be able to touch into these codes

To navigate the Divine map of your life, all the way back to the beginning

To devine the clues that lead to the centre of YOUR labyrinth

Again and again and again

These are
Movements back to centre
Movements back to wholeness
Pathways to Self-Mastery
