The spiral of Life at the Winter Solstice...

The spiral of Life passes through its central point at the Winter Solstice, having journeyed all around the planet, realms and dimensions, coming back to focus, the point of cohesión/ coalescence around the 21st December.

The ancients knew that to receive the Sun (of God) beyond this point was a gift and a blessing and this is why we celebrate this potent opportunity to (re)birth (the Sun and ourselves) over Xmas week through hieros gamos and of the trinity at this crucial time.

So, that touches on the Mystery School teachings...

But where does that leave us?

This energetic window, between the second cross quarter of Halloween/ Samhain and the Winter Solstice, is ripe for full-steam-ahead integration of the not-Self.

What I mean by that is making conscious as much of the parts of the psyche that remain in the unconscious. Because, in the words of CG Jung,

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."

And how many people have been mis-sold fate under that guise..?

What it also means is in bringing these unconscious parts of ourselves to the surface, we create massive clarity in our fields, which translates as:

Breaking patterns, habits & conditioned behaviours

Eliminating, or lessening, long-term physical symptoms

Reestablishing vital strength, tranquility and dignity

Cultivating deep awareness, presence and general joie de vivre 🤩🤩

The Winter Solstice therefore is a kind of - if not THE ULTIMATE - death/ rebirth portal each year!

So, while we all take a moment to have an existential crisis about what - or WHO - we'll be birthing into...

I would like to extend a crazy, can't-get-better-than-this, opportunity to those who seek a supportive container in which to prime the pump, so to speak...

(And it has come through at a crazy low price)

Join us for 4 weeks of deep and dirty Family Constellations and Soul-Level Shamanic Practitices.

For any and everyone here who's ever held questions such as...

Why am I here?

Isn't there more to Life?

What's the next strategy?

Early Birds $145 b4 8th November, for a 15th November start 😃 DM to join this GATEWAY journey 👆🏼