What is Systemic Energetics?

This week, someone asked what Systemic Shamanism, Family Constellations and Systemic Energetics actually are -

My response is that they are the entry points into the new paradigm; 

--> The new paradigm of self-development, of business, of trainings, of self-discovery and the exploration of worlds.

No, she wouldn't find many references (if any) to them online... 👍🏼

No, not many others (if any) are offering anything like this - in this way - at this time...👍🏼

The only other fact that I could note was that they used something similar at the G20 conference 13 years ago, of which we are now seeing some of the result/ fallout (whichever side of the fence you may find yourself on).

The reason that this powerful work is only now starting to gain traction in the mass consciousness, is that these are such powerful keys for humanity - rivalled, at this point, by very little else.

The work is so experiential and integrative in the moment, that people can't believe that it can be so simple and graceful to heal so deeply.

Not only have I made these the key fundamentals behind my business and my offerings,

The way I myself interact with people, ideas and the world at large on a daily basis,

But they are also the future, in that they offer the true experience of #5dconsciousness - when embodied and integrated into the Human form.

They constitute the way I see, know and interact with reality,

The way I describe the fabric of consciousness and our variations of dance with her,

The knowing that we can access all of the energetics of the systems that exist in the Universe through our clear intention. 

And the way I run these skills, tools and teachings is unique because it comes through my channel,

Birthed into a form that is designed to serve,

That I know holds great value to heal the individual at great rapidity

Along with an imminent capacity to heal the world at large.

How do I know that I am supposed to be on the leading edge with my work?

Because, after finishing Art School, I set up a screen-printed T Shirt brand before screen-printed Ts were even a thing...

Opening my own restaurant in North London at 25, serving creative, seasonal food before anyone outside of the French culture was doing that (having taught myself to cook and starred on a BBC reality TV show, but that's a story for another time)...

At 28, I launched an event in London with a girlfriend, based on zombies and the (Burlesque) end of the world - before the Walking Dead made zombies a weekly staple...

Man, I was doodling the organic degeneration of the Trump Tower in New York before Trump was a household name...

To name just a few examples; I am a master of change 

I have a finger on the collective and I follow the impulses that flow through my channel.

I show up for the work that presents itself along the way

As a way of living (not just as a therapy).

And I go all the way in. And I show you how to do the same.

But, hey, stick to Google, if you think that's where the future lies 😉