The Seeking Loop

For years I searched for the secret sauce,

The skills or modality that would make me feel whole again...




Powerful even

And that would enable me to have the impact that I knew was within me to have...

For years, I released baggage - intentionally and through some of the things literally dying away from under me -

And I stepped more into alignment with who I AM underneath

Dropping the conditioned behaviours,

Moving away from the expectations of others - without rebellion (I see you!!),

Away from the unconsciously looping limitations of the systems to which I belong,

Beyond the learned trauma responses that were showing up as triggers to external events in my life...

Moving into what nourishes ME, my love of life and my Soul song,

By simply following the impulse of LIFE that courses through my BEing.

We moved our family across three countries and two continents...

Lost animal partners along the way, to be met by more...

Integrated decades of disease...

Reconciled with family members dead and alive...

And what I've realised is that - fundamentally - it all comes back to a choice...

The choice-point we have in every moment

To choose Soul, us, ME FIRST

To prioritise Self, Life and SOUL-impetus first and foremost

And to let the rest fall (as gracefully as possible) by the wayside,

Blessed as the living thoughtforms, structures and safety nets that enabled us to get here in the first place.

This process of choosing ME FIRST, SOUL FIRST alignment gets easier with practice (trust me!). If you would like to discover how it feels to be supported in this process of BECOMING more of who you already are, apply to work together 121 (link in bio).