The SILENCE of the Mind

Did you know that mindchatter isn't necessarily wrong?

You know, the mindchatter that we are supposed to silence once and for all if we are


Disciplined or

On our way to enlightenment

The mindchatter that has the potential to wake us up (and keep us up) in the middle of the night

And that can prevent us from going deep into meditation?

How do I know?

Well, what I saw in my personal practice and continue to see in my clients, is that people have developed an innate distrust for their minds...

As if the mental space has been subject to bad PR and if we are spiritual, we can no longer admit that we have anything going on up there...

Or, alternatively - and this is pervasive - we just plain outright distrust what it is saying

We second guess it

Ban it

And sometimes, outright question its relevance

Sound familiar?

Well, I'm here to tell you today that

Your mind (and your mental body) is a healthy part of you (just like any other) and

Nothing - even your thoughts - need be denied, persecuted, or silenced

Just like the aspects of your imagination and emotions, the mind and its associated thought-forms serve an important function

And one that can actually be very helpful in navigating back to Soul

Back to Truth

And back to the root cause of, particularly, trauma

Because, we are multi-layered BEings

And when we go deep into our wounds, we discover that these are multi-layered too...

And that to unwind these across all layers -

ie, in a way that properly integrates them

We have to give them what they want on all levels too...

But, we don't do it through denial, through rejection, through de-faming what is and what we are being shown...

I have ONE opening remaining for my 121 Catalyst Mentorship, which is the opportunity to work holistically across ALL LAYERS OF YOU, so that you can bring more of your Soul into your Human, get clear and present in everything you do and manifest your magic in your external reality.

Deep-dive through the MOST INTENSELY POTENT seasonal gateways, supporting your BLOOM in Imbolc as the fullest expression of YOU that has ever been! Link in bio xx