The Disparity Between Higher Self and Human

A frequent distortion that I see in my client practice is people reaching to connect in with their Higher Self, the next version of Self and Soul -

And all of this is absolutely fine -

And in fact, steers the ship towards the (next) destination and (next) iteration of Self on the upward-moving spiral,

Through clear intention, devotion to the Path and a deeply unfolding understanding of Organic Reality (yipee!!)...

But, what this can also do - and I see this mostly happening in the unconscious - is that it can create a disparity between this newer version of Self and the actual Human Being underneath...

Creating a deeper split,

A deeper divide within the psyche,

A bigger distance between the 5D and the 3D,

A deeper layer of self-flagellation (or beating up of the inner child),

And essentially a deeper movement AWAY from Soul/ next level Self/ Higher Self.

With reverberations in the old, distorted masculine template/ paradigm of forcing, goal-setting, competing, this is of course an invitation to integrate more of these false codes, or matrices that still exist within...

Perhaps you can feel them?

Because (spoiler), the Higher Self, or next version of Self isn't better or bigger or even necessarily higher than us, the Human, or the Human experience...

(Although sometimes it is idolised, gurufied, or glorified to be so...)

What we see, when we see, is that in order for an opening to become available - aka for us to fully step into this newer version of Self

In a way that is not simply bypassing the Human (with the associated dis-ease that follows)...


We must fully see, allow and accept those terribly Human aspects that have prevented us up until this point from moving into this new version of Self...

And then crown them with an important place in the foundational fabric of life upon which we depend.

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