The New Communities of the World

The all-pervasive distortion about victimhood...

At some point we've all experienced being the victim and the predator

This is something that children of a certain age start to practice

And that we see animals experimenting with in their play as they learn to hunt.

But, what's apparent, particularly in places where there is a concentration of newer age spirituality, is that the desire to remain

More lit
More elevated

Or sometimes just plain better than whomever, whatever and so on

Way outweighs any real desire for change.

This is clung to so tightly

And defended so properly

That the predator and the victim never actually even get their moment under the stage light.

What is a dynamic that is (and most likely will be for a long time) a household name

Effectively gets swept under the rug of solutions

Needing support

But what we see when we look through the Unified lens, is that when the dynamic is not actually named

Not shown

Not given life to have the full movement that it was created/ initiated for at the very start

The energy deadens

The players are denied their parts

And the innocence of the playing out of the dynamic in the first place is in itself, defiled.

How quick we are to jump in and resolve

To set the stage back to equality

Ensure that none are excluded

That the finger is (again) pointed at no-one

The energy of the moment is lost



Steamrolled completely in a search / desire/ desperate blindness to align to something 'higher'.

But, what is this denial of the human story?

What is this taboo whereby predators and victims cannot be named?

What is the state of fear preventing the clear-hearted accountability for the actions on both sides (we all know so well)?

WHAT IS THE RESISTANCE TO EXPERIENCING THE FULL HUMAN spectrum - and to fully playing our parts in ALL OF IT?

Call a spade a spade and I can tell you that, likely, once you've done so, it'll transform before your very eyes into something else...

Something much more open to what is

To honesty

To a deeper level of loving discord

AND HIGHLY INTEGRATIVE of what it means to be both spiritual and human in the new communities of the world ❤️