Rise n Flow

There is a dance that happens
Called Rise & Flow
And you're invited to dance with Her...

She takes you out of your misery
Lifts you above what you conceived possible
Gives you a thirst for more...

She's by your side day to day
Your partner in crime
(If the crime is living locked in and small...)

She breathes fire into your body
Frees up pockets of energy bound up in your wounds
Caresses your Heart into opening again...

Guiding you into a world beyond strife, overwhelm and burnout
Where you're no longer a slave to 'shoulds'
No longer imprisoned by need - and solely led from a constant acknowledgement of what is...

Dropping you deeper into your body
Coaxing you back into your Human
Translating and cultivating your unique bridge with your Soul...

She is your pathway HOME.

Wishing you much love wherever you find yourself on this pathway today,

Harriet x

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