The Elimination of Doubt

Along the way, I have learned many things...

Had many out-of-this-world experiences...

Psychic kicks...

Incantations of grace flowing through my body...

Direct experiences of Source /God /knowing all the way to my bones (woof!).

The veils continue to peel back from my 3rd Eye (at a rate of knots these days 😱...

But, you know what the clincher is?

I no longer hold any doubt of this work...

Of its power and reach

Of its potential for change (for us as individuals and the wider collective)

Of its TRUTH (echoing the very real Truth of the Mystery Schools)...

Spelled out in every moment as the Song of Life!

I am no longer afraid of

In denial of

Skeptical of

Needing further proof of

*****THE MYSTERY***** (in all her glory)

For some, She comes suddenly; as an illumination, catalysed by an event, a discussion, an interaction, intervention...

Changing them forever - a sudden release of potential energy...

Isolating them from what was AND initiating them into what will be...

For others, it is a slower re-memberance...

A reclamation over time...

Of who they are (and what they are here to be)...

Of what it all means - their part in the Divine Comedy.

As we use the experiences we chose for our life as fuel for the internal fires, as friction for the charge of the upward spiraling path...

We free up bundles of energy!

Literal stores of energy bound up in patterns, looping behaviours, traumas...

And we feel so much lighter, clearer, more aligned, enlivened

So much more present with our loved ones and children 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

As a result.

Is it ever a finished picture?

Honestly - I don't know...

But is it worth it?

Is it real?

It is palpable?

HELL YES via my experience and that of 100s of people I've worked with YES!!

KUNDALINI RISING 101 is the 8-part, self-study container that brings the fullness of THIS MYSTERY alive within you.

The container that strips back the layers of who you thought you were, or thought you needed to be. Helping you to run more POWER and ALIVE POTENTIAL through your Human OS.

Join us here now for just $44 (and prepare yourself for the incoming waves of SOUL-ENLIVENED GLORY that is yours by birthright in 2023)

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