Courage & Devotion

Acting upon an impulse from Soul
Achingly true
Undeniably real

Takes courage
An attuned ear

Often, we perceive the impulse to be available readily
That never leaves our side
That is never out of our grasp
When we are ready to tune in

Actually, this kind of postponement, denial, procrastination and delay
Warps the process
Chops the legs right out from under it
Stopping us from fully diving in (as if our life depended on it)
From stepping in with full potency...

We become complacent...

And with that, its (our) power and potential diminish too.

How many times have you overlooked the obvious?
Ignored the signs?
Not answered, or put the call on hold?

All of these resistances are blockages to reclaiming Self in its fullness

And incrementally drain our lifeforce,
Close our channel,
Move us (back) from Heart to head,
Into duality, the struggle, the strife,
Back into linear grasping; logically trying to "work it out".

All taking us away from who we came to be (and likely back into further reinforcing patterns of fight, flight, freeze).

This work - THIS LIFE - deserves more...
YOU deserve more...
YOUR SOUL longs for more...
(And ironically, its often the easiest, simplest route to follow, despite the readjustments external reality might need to take )

Are you fostering this relationship to Self and Soul, or are you still pushing Her away?

Are you going to answer, or are you going to keep letting it go to answerphone?

DM for your own personalised How To Speak with Soul voicenote.

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