Activating the Bridge Between Life & Death

Heaven & Earth
Spirit & Human
Soul & the Here and Now

Has the capacity to

Clear our fields QUICKLY
Bring our SOUL more online
Positively impact our health
Put us more in alignment with purpose and mission
PUT AN END TO OVERWHELM AND BURNOUT (thank effer for that).

Activating, awakening, or aligning more with this bridge can also be referred to as a KUNDALINI AWAKENING

Raising the Kundalini, or a Kundalini Awakening can be impressive and sudden, or blissful and beautiful, but always triggering deep levels of healing and integration

Also notable with a Kundalini Awakening, is the increase in the overall ability to hold the Light, or higher frequencies within the body, ie, to integrate and embody your Light, your Wisdom

In order to - BING - turn the (Human) lightbulbs on all over the planet...

Whatever happens, or whatever it looks like, Kundalini provides the energetic mainframe support that is necessary for the Human OS to hold the new codes, frequencies, potential and POWER of the Divine Human

Oh yes, if you are here and reading this - this is yours by birthright, should you choose it in this incarnation!

How do I know this?

Because, I have coached, supported, activated and witnessed HUNDREDS of people, just like you, who have cleared the fog of

'Is it real?'
'Is it true?'
'Is it really a thing?'
And even... 'Am I loosing my mind...?'

And stepped more into their SOUL EMPOWERMENT


And absolute MAGIC

All by just showing up at the right time (and pressing a few buttons and reflecting a few realities that need integrating along the way)

-> KUNDALINI RISING 101 is the new, 8-part, self-study container that brings the fullness of the Divine Feminine formlessness ALIVE WITHIN YOU.

The container that strips back the layers of who you thought you were, or thought you needed to be

Helping you to run more POWER and ALIVE POTENTIAL through your Human OS (yes, Human Operating System - this is how we roll!)

IN EVERY NOW MOMENT!! Yes! Bring it!!

Join us here now for just $44 (and prepare yourself for the incoming waves of SOUL-ENLIVENED GLORY that is yours by birthright in 2023) LINK IN BIO