2020 vs 2023

The subject of integration gets me thinking on what I myself am currently integrating and where I am within the process that I am moving through - and moving through these processes we are hard right now!! In fact, it feels like we've been in back-to-back process since the Winter Solstice, which reminds me very much of the birth of 2020, which led us into the Summer where most of the planet lost a lot of their freedom of movement... hmmmn...

But, how is the flavour of 2023 different to 2020? What do we know now that we didn't know then? How would we deal with what we had in 2020 if it were to happen again this year and what would we do differently if we did have to?

Calls for contemplation, as the external continues to shift and groan at the weight of its own collapse...

Personally, I have been speaking to the energies of 2023 as 'completion'. Not that I believe that we are all going to suddenly dissolve and effervese up into Nirvana (but it might be partly that...!),

But, to me it very much feels like an anchoring into who we are

Into claiming more of where we've come from

And into bring more of those puzzle pieces from the past - both our personal and ancestral pasts - into current time - and understanding how they all play into the role that we are here to be a conduit for...

Owning our own path and choices to date and understanding how those resulting experiences have given us exactly the tools that we need (perhaps are already using on some level, even if its not all totally conscious yet) for this year.

I love the idea of our unconscious preparing us, well, unconsciously behind the curtain, for what feels like an unveiling at the perfect time...

Is there any way that we could have done it differently?

Is there any way our ancestors could have done it differently, preparing us with exactly the karmic residue, exactly the necessary friction we need to become the best versions of ourselves?

When we look at our lives and those of whom came before us through this lens, we are able to lighten our touch

To allow a little more openness, 

Compassion, perhaps...

We can allow a little bit more awe for the artistry of the whole drama to flow into our contemplations...

And hopefully, a little more love for the Divine comedy in all its parody.