Are you Afraid of Your Message?

I'm not afraid
Of having the conversation
Of saying the thing
Of opening the box
Of pushing the envelope

I'm not keeping myself small
To fit in
To slot into a hierarchy
To not rock the boat
To keep my head down

I've committed to not letting my message die with me - and so I've never been able to
Silence it
Pause it
Mute it
Make it go away
And honestly, I don't believe I ever will (or if it ever really does, even if we try)

I've been labelled
An irritant
A fly in the ointment
A problem parent
A bad employee
A difficult wife

And I may well be all of these things at one time or another

But, I would rather be disliked and in alignment with my Truth

Than shy away, live in fear, contort myself to expectations, norms, ideals that only add to the the attempts to homogenise, contain, restrict, deny and suppress

Haven't we come far enough to know that the world we want for our kids just isn't that?

Yes, we can choose grace in delivery
Yes, we can find lightness when addressing heaviness
Yes, we can consider and hold others with the respect and care they deserve

But the driver always is; through forging our Paths through the social, professional, cultural and generally limiting BS, we are creating the new

I suspect you feel similar

Perhaps you have been subject to similar labels

To the conditioned responses of others, projecting their own fears on your head

You are not alone ❤️

Know that, if you do identify with any or all of the above that you are
A change-maker
A sacred rebel
A champion (of what is and what could be)
A Divine fricking Human

The only difference is that now, we are no longer confined to mountain tops, caves, or the peripheries of townships

We're no longer having to hide in covens that meet under the darkness of night, or underground

We no longer have to wait for initiatory portals, ceremonies, or sacred space, to learn how to claim more of WHO WE ALREADY ARE

Because, it is available in EVERY NOW moment

The Becoming 121 Mentorship is a quick-fire, 3-month route-to-Soul, emboldening your Human to your flavour of the Divine and reconnecting you with your own unique tools for living side-to-side with Her in every now moment (link in bio)