My Clients are Brave

My clients are brave
They’ve made significant changes already
They’ve stepped out of the mold and into the LIGHT
They’ve learned tools and modalities (and have embodied much)
Made waves in their fields
Birthed beautiful creations
And felt the tears of grace bless their cheeks at least a dozen times

But, still they seek more...

A knowing
A tribe
Validation (that they're not the first and that they won't be the last)

And in their Hearts is an insatiable longing, an unquenchable thirst for more…

That gets louder every day
With every season
Every cycle
Every external reflection of why 'we can't'

And they feel like they are screaming into the Void all alone

Enter, Me...

I am bringing together an army of Light
Of Truth-Tellers
And Sky-Beings

So that together we can rise, thrive and survive what is and what is to come and the inevitable oppression we meet along the way

The questions, the slander, the loss of face (all Divine opportunities for anchoring more deeply into our message)

Don't just believe the energy behind my words
Don't just identify with my results
Come and try it for yourself

Run the TRUE Unified Field through your system and see
How it feels
What it brings
What resistances, patterns and entanglements it uncovers
How much of your unconscious can be brought into the light

An invitation to work with this field; this living, breathing, pulsating life-form

To bring this into your life and your client practice

To devote yourself to something more (that in the future will be so innately natural - and already is for our children)

'The Becoming' 121 Mentorship is a 3-month route-to-Soul, that emboldens your Human bridge to your unique flavour of the Divine.

It is an initiation

A remembrance

A love-note to Self from the future

And it frickin' actually, tangibly, knowledgably works...

With reverence to who you have been chosen to be,

Harriet xx (apply before end Nov via link in bio)
