The Female Mystery has Many Names

Did you know that the Female Mystery has many names; Sophia, Shakti, Kali, the Divine Solar Feminine, Kundalini?

Rudolf Steiner devoted Waldorf schools to Her

The Rig Veda sang to Her

Kundalini, the Sanskrit term from the Vedic Mystery Schools, is the tactile energy consciousness, pure coiled potential, located at the base of the spine at incarnation

The lifeforce, or vital energy that triggers the formation of the child in the womb

Coiling 3.5 times at the base of the spine to hold the form and framework of the energy body

Unraveling and rising from the base of the spine (sometimes feet), Kundalini moves according to Divine Will

Connecting deeply into and activating the Solar Plexus, the Heart and the 3rd Eye and Crown

As She unravels and rises up through our being, She clears the energy centres and layers of the energy body, or auric field

Triggering deep levels of healing and integration

An increase in the overall ability to hold Light, or higher frequencies (ie, to integrate and embody your Wisdom)

External changes are catalysed, as life works to align itself with the new version of the inner state

Gradually helping to
Release limiting beliefs and patterns
Relinquish dependence on systems, external support structures and ideas
Unwind conditioning (physical, emotional, mental and energetic)
Remove all of the many delusions of the 'separate Self'

Right now, the Universal energies are potent and many are going through states of rapid change and transformation

If you are reading this, your unique coding is likely already on this path - or being drawn into this vortex

And you have a key part to play in the awakening of humanity (cue drumroll)

But, seriously, I'm guessing you knew this already?

You know that you are here for more, right?

You know that your medicine is designed for a wider audience?

And you just keep seeing reflections of Divine Sophia, Shakti, KUNDALINI (and maybe even snakes) on your path!

THE TIME IS NOW to unlock more of these codes…

Access more of what is rightfully yours BY BIRTHRIGHT with Kundalini Rising 101; remove your blocks, awaken your Divine potential, now at the Super Early Bird price of $44! (link in bio).

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