Doubt, hesitation and non-alignment

Doubt, hesitation and non-alignment of time, space and finances for something that purports big transformation isn’t necessarily a clear 'no' from your guides, from God, or Nature?

It isn't even necessarily a 'not now' from them either...

Doubt, hesitation and not everything being lined up as an easy route in is much less about your guidance piping up and giving a clear ‘no’ read

And way more about your own resistances and trauma responses that stand in the way

Blocking the Soul's achingly clear longing, ‘yes' in the first place.

This is precisely the shi1t we get to call ourselves out for!

I actually hesitated sharing this, as they themselves may probably cause at least a person or two to go into sales trauma just reading them...


1) Not knowing what is and isn't a clear read in the first place, 

And 2) not having the kahunas to follow the clear read when it does actually bubble up from under the miasma of mess:

Keeps us small

Keeps us safe

Keeps us from experiencing life within the parameters of what is already 'known' 

And therefore only ever has the capacity to build more of what our life and experience has already been built upon

(The soma loves to keep us in this mode so as purposely not to blow out the nervous system, not to step into the guilt that goes with not belonging to the masses and most importantly, not requiring us to disturb the status quo...)

So as not to re-traumatise -
To keep it all packed away neatly for 'another time' or 'a later date'...

And to avoid essentially putting ourselves in existential danger from experiencing something drastically new (aka everything that could blow the lid off everything we ever thought possible).

What I tell my clients is:

--> I would hands down rather be in a state of down rather be in a state of doubt or resistance to something, or in a triggered response, because that means that whatever IT is (the external thing)

Is actually showing up as a potent bridge to my next level of Self

And all of my darkness, aka shadow, aka resistance, patterned, conditioned, trauma-related responses, that most probably have a hook into the holes in my aura that go hand in hand with it when we look at it Shamanically,

Are showing up, or surfacing, in order to have a chance to say hello, be fully seen, held and moved through

And hence integrated.

Taking this one step beyond, likely means that this root has reverberations through the ancestral lines (aka karma) - which, incidentally means that it also (as above, so below) has MASSIVE catalytic potential for liberating lifeforce (aka kundalini) in the here and now. A topic for another time...
I, personally, am highly suspicious of the change-making and alchemical ability of the things that don’t bring this up to some degree; whether that comprises of doubt, all the way up to completely throwing toys out of the pram and unfollowing this person on IG.

This, for me, is the juice; the fuel and fire for life,

For change 

In me - and as result - the wider world.